IZVESTIYA OF THE PACIFIC RESEARCH FISHERIES CENTRE (TINRO-CENTRE) : biology and ecosystem interrelationships of commercial hydrobionts in the Russian far-eastern seas. – Vladivostok, Russia, 1998-  . – ISBN 5-89131-013-7. – Received : vol. 124(1-2) 1998



(for details on artciles in these issues : see paragraph ‘Articles & papers’)


ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE = JOURNAL DU CONSEIL. – London, UK : Academic Press, 1956-    . – ISSN 1054-3139. – Received vol. 57(2)2000


Mediterranean Marine Science. - Athens, Greece : National Centre for Marine Research, 2000-    . – ISSN 1108-393X. – Received :  vol. 1(2) 2000



Group, 2000-   . – ISSN 0028-0836. – Received : vol. 408( 6815) (21-28 December 2000)


REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO PESQUERO. – Mar del Plata, Argentina : Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, 1979-  . – ISSN 0325-6375. – Received : vol.12(1999)


SCIENCE. – Washington DC, USA : American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2000-   . – ISSN 0036-8075. – Received : vol. 290(5500) (22 December 2000)


DE STRANDVLO / De Strandwerkgroep Belgie. – Oostende, Belgium, 1981-  . – ISSN 077-3542. – Received vol. 20(4) (Oktober 2000)





ICES Journal of Marine Science = Journal du Conseil [ICES J. Mar. Sci.]

Recruitment dynamics of exploited marine populations : physical-biological interactions. Part I


vol. 57(2) 2000


Daan N. (2000). Recruitment dynamics of exploited marine populations : physical-biological interactions. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 189-190


Rothschild B.J. (2000). "Fish stocks and recruitment" : the past thirty years. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 191-201


van der Veer H.W. et al. (2000). Recruitment in flatfish, with special emphasis on north Atlantic species : progress made by the Flatfish Symposia. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 202-215


Iles T.C.,Beverton R.J.H. (2000). The concentration hypothesis : the statistical evidence. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 216-227


Rochet M.-J. (2000). A comparative approach to life-history strategies and tactics among four orders of teleost fish. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 228-239


Kimura R.,Watanabe Y.,Zenitani H. (2000). Nutritional condition of first-feeding larvae of Japanese sardine in the coastal and oceanic waters along the Kuroshio current. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 240-248


Bergeron J.-P. (2000). Effect of strong winds on the nutritional condition of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) larvae in the Bay of Biscay, northeast Atlantic, as inferred from an early field application of the DNA/C index. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 249-255


Brodeur R.D.,Wilson M.T.,Ciannelli L. (2000). Spatial and temporal variability in feeding and condition of age-O walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in frontal regions of the Bering Sea. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 256-264


Lang G.M. et al. (2000). Variation in groundfish predation on juvenile walleye pollock relative to hydrographic structure near the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 265-271


Wespestad V.G. et al. (2000). On relationships between cannibalism, climate variability, physical transport, and recruitment success of Bering Sea walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 272-278


Hollowed A.B.,Ianelli J.N.,Livingston P. (2000). Including predation mortality in stock assessments : a case study for Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 279-293


Livingston P.A.,Jurado-Molina J. (2000). A multispecies virtual population analysis of the eastern Bering Sea. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 294-299


Neuenfeldt S.,Köster F.W. (2000). Trophodynamic control on recruitment success in Baltic cod : the influence of cannibalism. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 300-309


Köster F.W.,Möllmann C. (2000). Trophodynamic control by clupeid predators on recruitment success in Baltic cod?. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 310-323


Uzars D.,Plikshs M. (2000). Cod (Gadus morhua L.) cannibalism in the Central Baltic interannual variability and influence of recruit abundance and distribution. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 324-329


Fromentin J.-M. et al. (2000). Biological processes and environmental factors regulating the dynamics of the Norwegian Skagerrak cod population since 1919. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 330-338


Ottersen G.,Loeng H. (2000). Covariability in early growth and year-class strength of Barents Sea cod, haddock, and herring :  the environmental link. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 339-348


Anderson J.T.,Gregory R.S. (2000). Factors regulating survival of northern cod (NAFO 2J3KL) during their first 3 years of life. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 349-359


Schultz E.T. et al. (2000). Explaining advection : Do larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) show selective tidal-stream transport?. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 360-371


Drinkwater K. et al. (2000). Entrainment of redfish (Sebasters spp.) larvae off the Scotian Shelf. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 372-382


Bez N.,Rivoirard J. (2000). On the role of sea surface temperature on the spatial distribution of early stages of mackerel using inertiograms. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 383-392


 MUNCH S.B.; CONOVER D.O. (2000). Recruitment dynamics of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) from Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod, 1973-1995. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 393-402


Secor D.H. (2000). Spawning in the nick of time? Effect of adult demographics on spawning behaviour and recruitment in Chesapeake Bay striped bass. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 403-411


Carscadden J.E.,Frank K.T.,Leggett W.C. (2000). Evaluation of an environment-recruitment model for capelin (Mallotus villosus). [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 412-418


Friedland K.D. et al. (2000). Linkage between ocean climate, post-smolt growth, and survival of Atlantic salmon, (Salmo salar L.) in the North Sea area. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 419-429


Incze L.S.,Wahle R.A.,Palma A.T. (2000). Advection and settlement rates in a benthic invertebrate : recruitment to first benthic stage in Homarus americanus. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 430-437


Zheng J.,Kruse G.H. (2000). Recruitment patterns of Alaska crabs in relation to decadal shifts in climate and physical oceanography. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 438-451


Wieland K.,Jarre-Teichmann A.,Horbowa K. (2000). Changes in the timing of spawning of Baltic cod : possible causes and implications for recruitment. [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], 57(2), 452-464



Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre

Biology and ecosystem interrelationships of commercial hydrobionts in the Russian far-eastern seas


vol. 124(1) 1998


Ivanov O.A. (1998). Epipelagic community of fishes and squids in the Kuril Islands area of the Pacific Ocean in 1986-1995. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 3-54


Ilynskiy E.N. (1998). Composition and structure of mesopelagic nekton community of the Okhotsk Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 55-107


Savin A.B. (19998). Biology of treadfin hakeling (Laemonema longipes, Moridae) of the north-west Pacific. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 108-138


Shuntov V.P. et al. (1998). New data about condition of pelagic ecosystems of the Okhotsk and Japan Seas. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 139-177


Golenkevich A.V. (19998). Species composition and biology of bottom octopuses on the shelf of the north-western Japan Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 178-211


Kim S.T. (1998). Peculiarities of biology and abundance of pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) off the western Sakhalin and south Kuril Islands. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 212-235


Gorjainov A.A. (1998). State of Primorye salmons stock reproduction and perspectives of salmon cultivation in Primorye. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 236-250


Nikolenko L.P.,Katugin O.N. (1998). Genetic differentiation of Greenland turbot Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent waters. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 251-270


Gavrilov G.M. (1998). Fish species composition, stocks dynamics and fisheries in Russian EEZ of the Japan Seas and adjacent waters. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 271-319


Bregman Y.E. et al. (1998). A complex investigation of environments and bottom biota of Novik Bay (Russian Isle, the Japan Seas). [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 320-343


Melnikov I.V.,Hudia V.N. (1998). Pacific sandlance (Ammodytes hexapterus Pallas) in the Okhotsk and western Bering Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 344-359


Vasilets P.M.,Vinnikov A.V.,Zolotov O.G. (1998). Distribution and abundance of arctic smelt Osmerus mordax dentex Steindachner in Kamchatka waters of the Okhotsk Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 360-374


Temnykh O.S. (1998). Regional variability of the Asian pink salmon scales scleritogrammas. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 375-390


Karedin Y.P. (1998). Resources of the northern Pacific mezopelagic fishes. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 391-416


Dolganov V.N. (1998). Feeding of skates of family Rajidae and their role in ecosystems of the far-eastern seas of Russia. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 417-424


Dolganov V.N. (1998). Reproduction of skates of family Rajidae of the far-eastern seas of Russia. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 425-428


Dolganov V.N. (1998). Abiotic conditions of habitat of skates of family Rajidae in the far-eastern seas of Russia. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(1), 429-432


vol. 124(2) 1998


Dolganov V.N. (1998). Distribution and migration of skates of family Rajidae in the far-eastern seas of Russia. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 433-437


Besednov L.N. (1998). First foundings of elasmobranchian fish remnants in shell middens on coast of Peter the Great Bay (southern Primorye). [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 438-443


Starovoitov A.N. (1998). Biological indices, abundance and distribution of chum salmon in Sakhalin-Kuril region during anadromous migration. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 444-455


Glebov I.I. (1998). The size-age composition and some biology peculiarities of chinook (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) during seasonal migrations in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent Pacific waters. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 456-472


Volvenko I.V. (1998). Problems in quantitative estimation of fish abundance by trawl sampling. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 473-500


Baitaluk A.A.,Filatov V.N. (1998). Condition of saury fishing grounds formation in different water masses in the area off south Kuril Islands. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 501-505


Kim L.N. (19998). Spawning of herring from the eastern part of Peter the Great Bay. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 506-516


Kovtun A.A. (1998). Frequency of foraging herring catches during the period of salmons' account in July of 1995 in the Okhotsk Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 517-518


Gavrilov G.M. (1998). Fish resources of Vietnam EEZ and adjacent waters of South-China Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 519-533


Lapshina V.I. (1998). Seasonal and year-to-year dynamics of biomass and quantitative distribution of net phytoplankton in Bering Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 534-553


Shebanova M.A. (1998). Regularities of seasonal distribution of Calanus glacialis (Copepoda: Calanoida) in epipelagial of the Okhotsk Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 554-562


Shebanova M.A. (1998). Distribution of Oithona similis biomass and its life history in the Okhotsk Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 563-569


Chuchukalo V.I.,Kodolov L.S.,Tuponogov V.N. (1998). Feeding of commercial fishes of continental slope in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 570-583


Chuchukalo V.I.,Napazakov V.V. (1998). The distribution and some features of the Pteropods biology in the Okhotsk and Bering Seas and adjacent waters of Pacific Ocean. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 584-601


Orlov A.M. (1998). Feeding of plankton-eating fishes of continental slope of northern Kuril Islands. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 602-613


Dulepova E.P. (1998). Trophic relations of main species of Pacific salmons in Bering Sea in summer. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 614-623


Kuznetsova N.A. (1998). Feeding of squids in summer - autumn period in epipelagial of the Okhotsk Sea and in the adjacent waters of Pacific Ocean. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 624-634


Chuchukalo V.I. et al. (1998). Feeding habits and some features of flatfish ecology at the western Kamchatka coast in summer. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 635-650


Nadtochy V.A.,Chuchukalo V.I.,Koblikov V.N. (1998). Performance of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschatica) and brown king crab (Lithodes aeguispina) feeding on the south-western Kamchatka shelf in summer period. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 651-657


Samko V.E.,Glebova S.Y.,Novikov Yu.V. (1998). Dynamic and thermic peculiarities of surface waters of Sakhalin-Kuril region in the 90s. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 658-666


Moroz I.F. (1998). Thermochaline structure and dynamics of the north Okhotsk Sea waters in summer of 1997. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 667-680


Shatilina T.A. (1998). Long-term variability of atmospheric circulation over the far eastern region and its affect on water thermics and dynamics. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 681-707


Samko E.V.,Novikov Y.V. (1998). Thermic water structure of epipelagial in the region of southern Kuril Islands. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 708-713


Nikitin A.A.,Dyakov B.S. (1998). Structure of fronts and eddies in the western part of Japan Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 714-733


Luchin V.A.,Figurkin A.L.,Zhigalov I.A. (1998). The oceanographic conditions over Kashevarov Bank. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 734-746


Kim S.T.,Poltev Y.N. (1998). Intraspecific differentiation of cod Gadus macrocephalus Til. (Gadiformes, Gadidae) in the waters off Sakhalin and Kuril Islands by methods of morfological analysis. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 747-757


Gavrilov G.M. (1998). Seasonal and interannual variability of herring distribution in waters off the northern Prymorye. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 758-764


Gavrilov G.M.,DidenkO V.D. (1998). Fish resources of Cambodia EEZ. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 765-784


Klitin A.K. (1998). Results of multivariate analysis of morphometric measurings of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands red king crabs. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 785-797


Legenkaya S.A. (1998). Regularities of linear growth of wahna cod Eleginus gracilis in the far-eastern seas. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 798-804


Podlesnykh A.V.,Parensky V.A.,Malinina M.E. (1998). Use of variants of caudal fins pigmentation as markers in the study of pink salmon population structure. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 805-813


Sukhanov V.V.,Tiller I.V. (1998). Catches of salmon populations on Kamchatka : the spectral analysis of oscillations. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 814-824


Efimkin A.Y. (1998). Seasonal and interannual changes of zooplankton biomass in the western part of Bering Sea. [Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre], 124(2), 825-832



Mediterranean Marine Science [Medit. Mar. Sci.]


vol. 1(2) 2000


Voutsinou-Taliadouri F.,Zeri C.,Moriki A. (2000). Distribution and transfer of trace metals in the Aegean Seawater (Eastern Mediterranean Basin). [Medit. Mar. Sci.], 1(2), 5-30


Altiok H.,Yuce H.,Alpar B. (2000). Seasonal variation of the cold intermediate water in the southwestern Black Sea and its interaction with the Sea of Marmara during the period of 1996-1998. [Medit. Mar. Sci.], 1(2), 31-40


Konovalov S.K.,Ivanov L.I.,Samodurov A.S. (2000). Oxygen, nitrogen and sulphide fluxes in the Black Sea. [Medit. Mar. Sci.], 1(2), 41-59


Ivanov L.I. et al. (2000). Ventilation of the Black Sea pycnocline on seasonal and interannual time scales. [Medit. Mar. Sci.], 1(2), 61-74


Barbieri R. et al. (2000). The biology and ecology of Valencia letourneuxi Sauvage 1880 (Valenciidae) - prospects for conservation. [Medit. Mar. Sci.], 1(2), 75-90


Souvermezoglou E.,KrasakopoUlou E. (2000). Chemical oceanography in the Cretan Sea : changes associated to the transient. [Medit. Mar. Sci.], 1(2), 91-103


Zenetos A. et al. (2000). Coastal benthic diversity in the Black and Aegean Seas. [Medit. Mar. Sci.], 1(2), 105-117


Sioulas A .et al. (2000). Geochemical characteristics of late Quaternary sediments from the southern Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). [Medit. Mar. Sci.], 1(2), 119-142


Lakkis S.,Novel-Lakkis V. (2000). Distribution of phytobenthos along the coast of Lebanon (Levantine Basin, East Mediterranean). [Medit. Mar. Sci.], 1(2), 143-164





(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)


vol. 408(6815)2000


Brief communications


Ecophysiology : Penguin fathers preserve food for their chicks / Gauthier-Clerc, M.; Le Maho, Y.; Clerquin, Y.; Drault, S.; Handrich, Y. (Nature, vol. 408(6814) 2000, p. 928-929)


Biomechanics : Penguin waddling is not wasteful / Griffin, T.M.; Kram, R. (Nature, vol. 408(6814) 2000, p. 929)


Letters to Nature


The influence of rivers on marine boron isotopes and implications for reconstructing past ocean pH / Lemarchand, D.; Gaillardet, J.; Lewin, E.; Allègre, C.J. (Nature, vol. 408(6814) 2000, p. 951-954)


Evidence from episodic seamount volcanism for pulsing of the Iceland plume in the past 70 Myr / O’Connor, J.M.; Stoffers, P.; Wijbrans, J.R.; Shannon, P.M.; Morrissey, T. (Nature, vol. 408(6814) 2000, p. 929)



Revista de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero [Rev. Invest. Des. Pesq.]


vol. 12 (1999)


Lasta M.,Bremec C. (1999). Patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica King & Broderip, 1832) :  a new fishery in the Argentine continental shelf. [Rev. Invest. Des. Pesq.], 12, 5-18


Wöhler O.C.,Cordo H.D. (1999). Estimation of optimum F and risk of overfishing of castañeta (Cheilodactylus bergi). [Rev. Invest. Des. Pesq.], 12, 19-25


Wöhler O.C.,Giussi A.R.,Hansen J.E. (1999). Sequential population analysis on long tail hake (Macruronus magellanicus) from the Southwest Atlantic : Years 1985-1995. [Rev. Invest. Des. Pesq.], 12, 27-43


Machinandiarena L.,Ehrlich M.D. (1999). Detection of a long tail hake (Macruronus magellanicus) nursery ground in the Argentine Sea. [Rev. Invest. Des. Pesq.], 12, 45-50


Sanchez R.P. et al. (1999). A drift study of vertical distribution and mortality of Engraulis anchoita eggs and larvae. [Rev. Invest. Des. Pesq.], 12, 51-75


Sanchez F.,Garcia De la Rosa S.B. (1999). Feeding of hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and cannibalism impact in the south-western Atlantic between 34° 50'-47°S. [Rev. Invest. Des. Pesq.], 12, 77-93


Bezzi S.,Aubone A.,Irusta G. (1999). The Argentine-Uruguayan common fishing zone and the problem of the hake catch quota allocation. [Rev. Invest. Des. Pesq.], 12, 95-98





(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)


vol. 290(5500)2000




The vulnerability of Venice / Gornitz, V.; Fairbridge, R.W., response by Ammerman, A.J.; McClennen, C.E. (Science, vol. 290(5498) 2000, p. 2257-2260)




Upwelling intensification as part of the pliocene-pleistocene climate transition /  Marlow, J.R.; Lange, C.B.; Wefer, G.; Rosell-Melé, A. (Nature, vol. 408(6814) 2000, p. 2288-2291)


De Strandvlo


vol. 20(4) 2000


De Euglena bloei van 2000 /  Francis Kerckhof

Verlag van een SWG-excursie op 31 oktober 1999 te De Haan / Karen Rappé

Undaria pinnatifida te Zeebrugge, het verloop van een groeiseizoen / Hans De Blauwe

Plagiostomum vittatum, Leuckart, een algemeen platwormpje te Zeebrugge en Oostende / Hans De Blauwe

Het Departement Zeevisserij : “Vis-à-Vis”, Website : en garnalen? / Els Vanderperren

Garnaalvisserij : Wat gaat er mis? / Frank Rendant





May J. (1998). Antarctica : het Greenpeace boek : het zevende Continent. - Weert, The Netherlands : Uitgeverij M & P. - 192 p.- ill.: photo’s. – ISBN 90-6590-290-2


Woodford F.P. (1999). How to teach scientific communication. - Virginia, USA : Council of Science Editors. - 199 p. – ISBN 0-914340-11-5





Berichten aan Zeevarenden / Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Departement Leefmilieu en Infrastructuur. Administratie Waterwegen en Zeewezen. Afdeling Waterwegen Kust. Hydrografie. – Oostende, Belgium : Afd. Waterwegen Kust, Hydrografie, 1999-  . – Received : no. 26 (21 December 2000)


Fishing in Europe / A European Commission Publication – Directorate-General for Fisheries. – Brussels, Belgium,  2000-  . – ISSN 1606-0822. – Received : no 5 (December  2000)


Grenzeloze Schelde Nieuws. – Brussels, Belgium : Administratie Waterwegen en Zeewezen (Vl.) de Région Wallonne, DGRNE (W), 2000-  . – Received no. 12 (October 2000)


Innovation & Technology Transfer. – Luxembourg :  European Commission, Enterprise DG,  Innovation Directorate, Communication and Awareness Unit,  1988-  . – ISSN 1013-6452. – Received : no. 6 (December 2000)


Leonardo : Nieuwsbrief van het Vlaams Leonardo da Vinci-agentschap. – Brussels, Belgium : Leonardo da Vinci-agentschap, 1997-  . – Received : no. 24 (December 2000)


Ommekeer / Provinciaal Natuureducatief Centrum ‘De Kaaihoeve’. – Meilegem, Belgium : Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, 1998-  . – ISSN 1370-6950. – Received : (December 2000)


Sail : Schéma d’Aménagement Intégré du Littoral. – Brugge, Belgium : Provincie West-Vlaanderen, 2000-    . – Received : no. 2 (December 2000)


Tsunami Newsletter / International Tsunami Information Center. – Honolulu, Hawaii : ITIC, 1974-  . – Received : vol. 31(1998-1999)


Vriendenkring Noordzee-Aquarium Oostende v.z.w. : driemaandelijks tijdschrift. – Oostende, Belgium : VNAO, 1990-  . – Received :  no. 43 (2001)


Water : tweemaandelijks tijdschrift over waterproblematiek. – Wijnegem, Belgium : v.z.w. Water-Energik-vLario, 1989-  . – ISSN 0770-7193. – Received : vol. 8(49) 1989, vol. 17 (100-103) 1998


Wegwijs in de Visserij : Infomagazine Vlaams Visserij Informatiecentrum. – Nieuwpoort, Belgium : Vlaams Visserij Informatiecentrum, 2000-  . – Received : vol. 4(4) 2000





KELLY C.A., LAW R.J., EMERSON H.S. (2000). Methods of analysing hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in marine samples. – Lowestoft, Suffolk (UK) : Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science. – 18 p., ill.: charts, graphs. – ISSN 0953-4466

(Science Series, Aquatic Environment Protection : Analytical Methods; no. 12)


STIKVOORT E., DE WINDER B. (1998). Sieperdaschor, van polder naar schor : interim-evaluatie 1990-1996. – The Netherlands : Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat. Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee. – 31 p. – ill.: graphs

(Rapport RIKZ; no. 98.002)


WITHAGEN L. (2000). Voortgangsrapportage van nationale acties SAP I. – The Netherlands : Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat. Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee. – 24 p.


Annual report 1999 : established by a Convention between Canada and the United States of America. – Seattle, WA (USA) : International Pacific Halibut Commission, 2000-  . – 72 p., ill.: photos. – ISSN 0074-7238


Annual report 1999. The Marine Research Institute. – Reykjavík, Iceland, 2000-  . – 126 p., ill.: graphs, charts, photos. -  ISSN 0258-381X. – with English summary


Hydrometeogegevens maandoverzicht golven, getij en wind : oktober  2000 / Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Departement Leefmilieu en Infrastructuur, Administratie Waterwegen en Zeewezen, Afdeling Waterwegen Kust. – [S.l.] : Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, 2000. – [No page numbering], 2 vol. – vol. 1 : General summary ; vol. 2 : Other parameters : air pressure, temperature, rain fall and salinity


OSPAR Commission for the protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic : Quality Status Report 2000. – London, U.K : OSPAR Commission. – 102 + xix p. – ill.: graphs, photos


OSPAR Commission for the protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic : Quality Status Report 2000 : Region I – Arctic waters. – London, U.K : OSPAR Commission. – 102 + xiv p. – ill.: maps, graphs, photos


OSPAR Commission for the protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic : Quality Status Report 2000 : Region II – Greater North Sea. – London, U.K : OSPAR Commission. - 136 + xii p. – ill.: charts, graphs, photos, maps


OSPAR Commission for the protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic : Quality Status Report 2000 : Region III – Celtic Seas. – London, U.K : OSPAR Commission. – 116 + xiii p. – ill.: photos, graphs, maps


OSPAR Commission for the protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic : Quality Status Report 2000 : Region IV – Bay of Biscay and Iberian coast. – London, U.K : OSPAR Commission. – 134 + xiii p. – ill.: maps, graphs, charts, photos


OSPAR Commission for the protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic : Quality Status Report 2000 : Region V – wider Atlantic.- London, U.K : OSPAR Commission. – 110 + xiii p. – ill.: charts, photos




VLIZ-LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS / Oostende : Flanders Marine Institute, 2000

responsible publisher and editor: Jan Mees, Victorialaan 3, B-8400 Oostende (Belgium)



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Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee vzw

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