VLIZ Library acquisitions 95/22 March 2002

For more information about the articles and papers included in this publication (a.o. full citation and  abstract) please consult the literature screen of IMIS (‘Integrated Marine Information System’) at https://www.vliz.be/Vmdcdata/imis/index.htm.


(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph ‘Articles & papers’)

Anon. (1989). Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium. 53 pp.

Anon., (1990). Écotoxicologie cellulaire: Rapport et communications du congrès de Lyon. Société d'Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée: France. 248 pp.

Artedi, P.; Walbaum, J.J. (1966). Petri Artedi genera piscium ichthyologiae pars 3. Reprinted ed. Historiae Naturalis Classica, 53. Lehre, Germany: J. Cramer & Codicote, UK: Wheldon & Wesley: 723, 3 plates pp.

Bischoff, H. (1930). Muschellinge oder Molluscoidea und Manteltiere oder Tunicata (Kamptozoa, Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Tunicata, Ascidiae). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise, 17. Gustav Fischer: Jena, Germany. 188 pp.

Campbell, B.; Watson, R.; Marra, N.; Rook, R. (1978). Kust- en zeevogels van Noordzee, Oostzee en het Kanaal. Rev. ed. Het Spectrum: Utrecht, The Netherlands. 136 pp.

Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (1998). Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK. 338 pp.

Kramp, P.L. (1961). Synopsis of the Medusae of the world. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 40: 7-469.

Sandberg, L.; McLaughlin, P.A. (1998). Crustacea, Decapoda, Paguridea. Marine invertebrates of Scandinavia, 10. Scandinavian University Press: Oslo, Norway. 120 pp.

Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (2001). ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium. 175 pp.

Wandrey, R. (2001). Gids van walvissen en robben. Tirion Uitgevers: Baarn, The Netherlands. 283 pp.

Würtz, M.; Repetto, N. (1999). Walvissen & dolfijnen: de fysieke eigenschappen en de leefwijze van walvisachtigen. Zuid Boekprodukties: Lisse, The Netherlands. 167 pp.

Zabala, M.; Maluquer, P. (1988). Illustrated keys for the classification of Mediterranaean Bryozoa. Treb. Mus. Zool. Barcelona 4: 5-294.


Anon. (1989). Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium. 53 pp.

Davids, C.A. (1989). Over de verhouding tussen wetenschap en zeevaart in Nederland in de 19de en vroege 20ste eeuw (abstract). Pp 14 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Decleir, W. (1989). Marien biologisch onderzoek in België na 1800 (abstract). Pp 15-17 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Postma, H. (1989). Honderd jaar zeeonderzoek in Nederland (abstract). Pp 18-20 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Dekker, E. (1989). Frederik Kaiser en zijn pogingen tot hervorming van het sterrenkundig deel van onze zeevaart (abstract). Pp 21 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Deseck, P. (1989). De evolutie van de hoekmeetinstrumenten bij de astronomische plaatsbepaling op zee in de 18de en 19de eeuw (abstract). Pp 22 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Podoor, N. (1989). Overzicht van het zeebiologisch onderzoek aan de Universiteit van Leuven vanaf 1836 tot heden (abstract). Pp 23 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Houvenaghel, G. (1989). La Conférence Maritime de Bruxelles en 1853: première conférence océanographique internationale due à la coopération entre M.F. Maury (U.S. Navy) et A. Quetelet (Observatoire Royal) (abstract). Pp 24-25 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Palm, L.C. (1989). Achtergronden van het paalwormonderzoek 1730-1870 (abstract). Pp 26 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Godeaux, J. (1989). Aperçu de la biologie marine à l'Université de Liège depuis un siècle (abstract). Pp 27-30 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Hovart, P. (1989). Visserijbeheer in de Belgische kustwateren in de periode 1850-1880 (abstract). Pp 31-32 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Kramer, K.J.M. (1989). Z.M. brik Cachelot levert een vroeg (1858) bewijs voor leven in de diepzee (abstract). Pp 33 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Mommaerts, J.-P. (1989). L'étude du phytoplancton marin en Belgique: de la micrographie à la modélisation mathématique (abstract). Pp 34-35 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Vincx, M. (1989). De geschiedenis van het benthosonderzoek in de Noordzee: methodologie en wetenschappelijke resultaten (abstract). Pp 36-37 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Bosman-Jelgersma, H.A. (1989). De zee en het geneesmiddel (abstract). Pp 38 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Dirkzwager, J.M. (1989). Van notedop tot zeekasteel (abstract). Pp 39-40 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Henriet, J.-P. (1989). Alphonse-François Renard en de "Report on Deep-Sea Deposits" (expeditie van de Challenger 1872-1876) (abstract). Pp 41-42 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

van der Ben, D. (1989). Gustave Gilson (1859-1944): baanbreker van de Belgische oceanografie (abstract). Pp 43 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Strubbe, J. (1989). De ontwikkeling van de Belgische zeehavens: een groei naar zee (abstract). Pp 44-45 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

De Vos, A. (1989). De Belgica en de eerste overwintering in Antarctica (1897-1899) (abstract). Pp 46-47 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Haneveld, G.T. (1989). De geschiedenis van het reddingsvest (abstract). Pp 48 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Van Cauwenberghe, C. (1989). Oudere en modernere zeekaarten (abstract). Pp 49 in Anon. (Ed.): Geschiedenis van Zeevaart en Mariene Wetenschappen: 11de Beneluxcongres voor de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen, Brugge, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 april 1989 = Histoire de la Navigation et des Sciences Marines: 11ième Congrès Benelux Histoire des Sciences, Bruges, Provinciaal Hof 28-30 avril 1989. Generale Bank: Brugge, Belgium.

Anon., (1990). Écotoxicologie cellulaire: rapport et communications du congrés de Lyon. Société d'Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée: France. 248 pp.

(marine science related articles in issue received, selection by editor)

Flatau, G.N.; Clément, R.L.; Gauthier, M.J. (1990). Relations entre le métabolisme respiratoire, la sensibilité au cadmium et l'accumulation de ce métal par des bactéries marines. Pp 75-78 in Anon., (Ed.): Écotoxicologie cellulaire: rapport et communications du congrés de Lyon. Société d'Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée: France.

Couture, P.; Thompson, P.A.; Thellen, C.; Auclair, J-C.; Blaise, C. (1990). Phytoplankton recovery responses and adenylate pathways: metabolic responses to a chlor-alkali effluent discharge. Pp 101-103 in Anon., (Ed.): Écotoxicologie cellulaire: rapport et communications du congrés de Lyon.  Société d'Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée: France.

Dhainaut-Courtois, N.; Nejmeddine, A.; Baert, J.-L.; Porchet-Henneré, E. (1990). Biological effects of cadmium on an euryhaline annelid (Nereis diversicolor): characterization and localization of a metalloprotein. Pp 171-173 in Anon., (Ed.): Écotoxicologie cellulaire: rapport et communications du congrés de Lyon. Société d'Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée: France.

Cristini, A. (1990). Studies on the biochemical responses and reproductive potential of bivalve molluscs caged in stressed environments. Pp 175-177 in Anon., (Ed.): Écotoxicologie cellulaire: rapport et communications du congrés de Lyon.  Société d'Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée: France.

Lerat, L. (179). Effets à court terme de quelques polluants (Cd, Zn, BaP) sur la physiologie respiratoire benthique de microcosmes expérimentaux. Pp 179-181 in Anon., (Ed.): Écotoxicologie cellulaire: rapport et communications du congrés de Lyon. Société d'Écotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée: France.

Bischoff, H. (1930). Muschellinge oder Molluscoidea und Manteltiere oder Tunicata (Kamptozoa, Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Tunicata, Ascidiae). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise, 17. Gustav Fischer: Jena, Germany. 188 pp.

Bückmann, A. (1930). Manteltiere oder Tunicata. Pp 143-163 in Bischoff, H. (Ed.): Muschellinge oder Molluscoidea und Manteltiere oder Tunicata (Kamptozoa, Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Tunicata, Ascidiae).  Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise, 17. Gustav Fischer: Jena, Germany

Cori, C.J. (1930). Kamptozoa, Cori (Synonym: Entoprocta, Nitsche). Pp 1-13 in Bischoff, H. (Ed.): Muschellinge oder Molluscoidea und Manteltiere oder Tunicata (Kamptozoa, Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Tunicata, Ascidiae). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise, 17. Gustav Fischer: Jena, Germany

Cori, C.J. (1930). Phoronidea. Pp 14-24 in Bischoff, H. (Ed.): Muschellinge oder Molluscoidea und Manteltiere oder Tunicata (Kamptozoa, Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Tunicata, Ascidiae). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise, 17. Gustav Fischer: Jena, Germany

Borg, F. (1930). Moostierchen oder Bryozoen (Ectoprocten). Pp 25-142 in Bischoff, H. (Ed.): Muschellinge oder Molluscoidea und Manteltiere oder Tunicata (Kamptozoa, Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Tunicata, Ascidiae). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise, 17. Gustav Fischer: Jena, Germany

Michaelsen, W. (1930). Seescheiden oder Ascidiae. Pp 164-188 in Bischoff, H. (Ed.): Muschellinge oder Molluscoidea und Manteltiere oder Tunicata (Kamptozoa, Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Tunicata, Ascidiae). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise, 17. Gustav Fischer: Jena, Germany

Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (1998). Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK. 338 pp.

Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (1998). Gas hydrates: the Gent debates. Outlook on research horizons and strategies. Pp 1-8 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Kvenvolden, K.A. (1998). A primer on the geological occurrence of gas hydrate. Pp 9-30 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Sloan, E.D. (1998). Physical/chemical properties of gas hydrates and application to world margin stability and climatic change. Pp 31-50 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Ginsburg, G.D. (1998). Gas hydrate accumulation in deep-water marine sediments. Pp 51-62 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Rempel, A.W.; Buffett, B.A. (1998). Mathematical models of gas hydrate accumulation. Pp 63-74 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Bakker, R.J. (1998). Improvements in clathrate modelling II: the H2O-CO2-CH4-N2-C2H6 fluid system. Pp 75-105 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Lu, H.; Matsumoto, R. (1998). Synthesis of CO2 hydrate in various CH3CO2Na/CH3CO2H pH buffer solutions. Pp 107-111 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Booth, J.S.; Winters, W.J.; Dillon, W.P.; Clennell, M.B.; Rowe, M.M. (1998). Major occurrences and reservoir concepts of marine clathrate hydrates: implications of field evidence. Pp 113-127 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Goldberg, D.; Saito, S. (1998). Detection of gas hydrates using downhole logs. Pp 129-132 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Hobro, J.W.; Minshull, T.A.; Singh, S.C. (1998). Tomographic seismic studies of the methane hydrate stability zone in the Cascadia Margin. Pp 133-140 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Tinivella, U.; Lodolo, E.; Camerlenghi, A.; Boehm, G. (1998). Seismic tomography study of a bottom simulating reflector off the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica). Pp 141-151 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Paull, C.K.; Borowski, W.S.; Rodriguez, N.M. (1998). Marine gas hydrate inventory: preliminary results of ODP Leg 164 and implications for gas venting and slumping associated with the Blake Ridge gas hydrate field. Pp 153-160 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Thiéry, R.; Bakker, R.; Monnin, C. (1998). Geochemistry of gas hydrates and associated fluids in the sediments of a passive continental margin: preliminary results of the ODP Leg 164 on the Blake Outer Ridge. Pp 161-165 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

de Lange, G.J.; Brumsack, H.-J. (1998). The occurrence of gas hydrates in eastern Mediterranean mud dome structures as indicated by pore-water composition. Pp 167-175 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Woodside, J.M.; Ivanov, M.K.; Limonov, A.F. (1998). Shallow gas and gas hydrates in the Anaximander Mountains region, eastern Mediterranean Sea. Pp 177-193 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Ivanov, M.K.; Limonov, A.F.; Woodside, J.M. (1998). Extensive deep fluid flux through the sea floor on the Crimean continental margin (Black Sea). Pp 195-213 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Bouriak, S.V.; Akhmetjanov, A.M. (1998). Origin of gas hydrate accumulations on the continental slope of the Crimea from geophysical studies. Pp 215-222 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Long, D.; Lammers, S.; Linke, P. (1998). Possible hydrate mounds within large sea-floor craters in the Barents Sea. Pp 223-237 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Veerayya, M.; Karisiddaiah, S.M.; Vora, K.H.; Wagle, B.G.; Almeida, F. (1998). Detection of gas-charged sediments and gas hydrate horizons along the western continental margin of India. Pp 239-253 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Neben, S.; Hinz, K.; Beiersdorf, H. (1998). Reflection characteristics, depth and geographical distribution of bottom simulating reflectors within the accretionary wedge of Sulawesi. Pp 255-265 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Delisle, G.; Beiersdorf, H.; Neben, S.; Steinmann, D. (1998). The geothermal field of the North Sulawesi accretionary wedge and a model on BSR migration in unstable depositional environments. Pp 267-274 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Mienert, J.; Posewang, J.; Baumann, M. (1998). Gas hydrates along the northeastern Atlantic margin: possible hydrate-bound margin instabilities and possible release of methane. Pp 275-291 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Dillon, W.P.; Danforth, W.W.; Hutchinson, D.R.; Drury, R.M.; Taylor, M.H.; Booth, J.S. (1998). Evidence for faulting related to dissociation of gas hydrate and release of methane off the southeastern United States. Pp 293-302 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Haq, B.U. (1998). Natural gas hydrates: searching for the long-term climatic and slope-stability records. Pp 303-318 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Thorpe, R.B.; Pyle, J.A.; Nisbet, E.G. (1998). What does the ice-core record imply concerning the maximum climatic impact of possible gas hydrate release at Termination 1A? Pp 319-326 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Raynaud, D.; Chappellaz, J.; Blünier, T. (1998). Ice-core record of atmospheric methane changes: relevance to climatic changes and possible gas hydrate sources. Pp 327-331 in Henriet, J.-P.; Mienert, J. (Ed.): Gas hydrates: relevance to world margin stability and climate change. Geological Society Special Publication, 137. The Geological Society: London, UK.

Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (2001). ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium. 175 pp.

Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G. (2001). The project ECOWARE. Pp 17-18 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Van Meel, G. (2001). Introduction. Pp 19-20 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Van Meel, G. (2001). Motivation for the new Directive. Pp 21-24 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

European Parliament and Council. (2001). Full-text of EC-Directive. Pp 25-42 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Van Meel, G. (2001). The ECOWARE system in the context of European Commission policy. Pp 43-45 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Van Meel, G. (2001). Short description of the ideas underlying the ECOWARE-system. Pp 46-48 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Maes, F.; Gonsaeles, G.; Buyse, A. (2001). Preliminary studies in order to develop the ECOWARE system. Pp 49-65 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Maes, F.; Gonsaeles, G.; Buyse, A. (2001). Results of the investigation. Pp 66-129 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Maes, F.; Gonsaeles, G.; Buyse, A. (2001). Recommendations. Pp 130-133 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Teurelincx, D.; Hurkmans, A. (2001). Logistics analysis. Pp 134-144 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Van Meel, G. (2001). Financial aspects of the EU Directive on shore reception facilities for ship generated waste and cargo residues and impact on harbour dues. Pp 145-149 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Berghmans, M. (2001). Description of the framework of the ECOWARE-system. Pp 150-167 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.

Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (2001). Executive summary. Pp 168-175 in Teurelincx, D.; Thues, G.; Van Meel, G. (Ed.): ECOWARE: Ecology Cluster for Overall Waste Re-engineering, the innovative approach by the Flemish seaports. Lannoo: Tielt, Belgium.


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