VLIZ LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS NO. 325 / 20 October, 2006

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OPEN MARINE ARCHIVE (OMA):  the open repository of publications by Flemish/Belgian scientists.

Buijs, J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Brand, R.; van der Meer, J.; Pouwer, A.; Smaal, A. (1989) Macrobenthosgemeenschappen in de Voordelta: een analyse van de dichtheden en biomassa's van de najaarsbemonsteringen 1985-1986. DIHO rapporten en verslagen, 1989-6. Delta Instituut voor Hydrobiologisch Onderzoek: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 63 pp., details

Chu, S.; Covaci, A.; Van de Vijver, K. (2003) Enantiomeric signatures of chiral polychlorinated biphenyl atropisomers in livers of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the southern North Sea. J. Environ. Monit. 5(3): 521–526, details

Covaci, A.; Gheorghe, A.; Voorspoels, S.; Maervoet, J.; Steen Redecker, E.; Blust, R.; Schepens, P. (2005) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in sediment cores from Scheldt river, Belgium: analytical aspects and depth profiles. Environ. Int. 31: 367– 375, details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Hamerlynck, O.; Hostens, K.; Vanreusel, A.; Vincx, M. (1990) De ekologische ontwikkeling van de Voordelta, deelrapport 4. Voorstellen voor monitoring en verder onderzoek. DIHO/Rijksuniversiteit Gent: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 13 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Brummelhuis, E.B.M.; Schreurs, W.; Wessel, E.G.J. (1995) De bodemsamenstelling van de Westerschelde, de Oosterschelde, het Veerse Meer en het Grevelingenmeer. NIOO Rapporten en Verslagen, 1995-1. NIOO-CEMO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 44 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Dimmers, W.; Markusse, R.; Schout, P.; Kater, B.J. (1995) Effekten van de schelpdiervisserij op het bodemleven in de Voordelta: Fase-rapport over de onderdelen 'natuurlijke ontwikkeling' en 'effekten schelpdiervisserij'. NIOO Rapporten en Verslagen, 1995-7. NIOO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 22 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Brummelhuis, E.B.M.; Dimmers, W.; Engelberts, A.; Markusse, M.M.; Schout, P.; Verschuure, J.M. (1996) Effekten van de schelpdiervisserij op het bodemleven in de Voordelta: Fase-rapport over de onderdelen 'natuurlijke ontwikkeling' en 'effekten schelpdiervisserij. NIOO-CEMO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 48 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A. (1999) Ruimtelijke verschillen en temporele fluctuaties in het voorkomen van bodemdieren in het Deltagebied: een verkennende studie. RIVO Rapport, C056/99. RIVO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 75 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A. (1999) Inventarisatie metagegevens bodemdieren. RIVO Rapport, C057/99. RIVO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 61 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A. (1999) Uitwerking graadmeter 'stapelvoedsel': Spisula subtruncata in de Nederlandse kustzone (1993-1997). RIVO Rapport, C061/99. RIVO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 9 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Leopold, M.F. (2000) Jaarlijkse schelpkalkproductie door Spisula subtruncata. RIVO Rapport, C047/00. RIVO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 18 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Leopold, M.F.; van Wijk, M.O. (2001) Halfgeknotte strandschelp en Amerikaanse zwaardschede: een overzicht van bestaande kennis over visserij, economische betekenis, regelgeving, ecologie van de beviste soorten en effecten op het ecosysteem. RIVO Rapport, C033/01. RIVO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 34 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Hummel, H. (2004) Effectonderzoek kokkelvisserij Voordelta. RIVO Rapport, C012/04. RIVO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 67 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Piet, G.J.; Rijnsdorp, A.D. (2004) Community structure and production of the macrobenthic infauna in relation to the micro-distribution of trawling effort. RIVO Rapport, C019/04. RIVO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 10 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Perdon, J. (2004) De halfgeknotte strandschelp, Spisula subtruncata, inde Nederlandse kustwateren in 2004. RIVO Rapport, C073/04. RIVO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 27 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Wijsman, J.W.M. (2006) Ruimtelijke verschillen en temporele fluctuaties in het voorkomen van een aantal schelpdieren in de Voordelta. Wageningen IMARES Report, C013/06. Wageningen IMARES: IJmuiden, The Netherlands. 29 pp., details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Perdon, J. (2006) De halfgeknotte strandschelp, Spisula subtruncata, in de Nederlandse kustwateren in 2005. RIVO Rapport, C036/06. RIVO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 22 pp., details

Heip, C.; Herman, R.; Craeymeersch, J. (1986) Diversiteit, densiteit en biomassa van het macrobenthos in de Westerschelde: 1978-1985. Universiteit Gent. Vakgroep Biologie, sectie Mariene Biologie: Gent, Belgium. 93 pp., details

Jacobs, M.N.; Covaci, A.; Schepens, P. (2002) Investigation of selected persistent organic pollutants in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), salmon aquaculture feed, and fish oil components of the feed. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36(13): 2797-2805, details

Jacobs, M.N.; Covaci, A.; Gheorghe, A.; Schepens, P. (2004) Time trend investigation of PCBs, PBDEs, and organochlorine pesticides in selected n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid rich dietary fish oil and vegetable oil supplements; nutritional relevance for human essential n-3 fatty acid requirements. J. Agric. Food Chem. 52(6): 1780-1788, details

Janák, K.; Covaci, A.; Voorspoels, S.; Becher, G. (2005) Hexabromocyclododecane in marine species from the western Scheldt Estuary: diastereoisomer- and enantiomer-specific accumulation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(7): 1987-1994, details

Legrand, S.; Deleersnijder, E.; Hanert, E.; Legat, V.; Wolanski, E. (2006) High-resolution, unstructured meshes for hydrodynamic models of the Great Barrier Reef. Est., coast. and shelf sci. 68(1-2): 36-46, details

Malta, E.-J.; Stikvoort, E.; Craeymeersch, J.A. (1998) Herstel van estuariene gradiënten in de Oosterschelde: een verkenning naar effecten op de bodemdieren van het zachte substraat. NIOO Rapport, 1998-01. NIOO-CEMO: Yerseke, The Netherlands. 69 pp., details

Toorman, E.A. (1997) Modelling the thixotropic behaviour of dense cohesive sediment suspensions. Rheol. Acta 36(1): 56-65, details

Toorman, E.A. (2003) Validation of macroscopic modelling of particle-laden turbulent flows, in: (2003). Proceedings of 6th Belgian National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Gent, 26-27 May 2003). pp. [1-7], details

Wevers, M.; Voorspoels, S.; Covaci, A.; Schepens, P.; Belpaire, C.; Goemans, G.; de Boer, J.; D'Havé, H.; De Coen, W.; Van Hooste, H. (2005) Milieurapport Vlaanderen. MIRA Achtergronddocument 2005: verspreiding van gebromeerde vlamvertragers. Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM): Erembodegem, Belgium. 29 pp., details

Wijsman, J.W.M.; Kesteloo, J.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A. (2006) Ecologie, visserij en monitoring van mesheften in de Voordelta. Wageningen IMARES Report, C009/06. Wageningen IMARES: IJmuiden, The Netherlands. 41 pp., details

White, L.; Beckers, J.-M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Legat, V. (2006) Comparison of free-surface and rigid-lid finite element models of barotropic instabilities. Ocean Dynamics 56(2): 86–103, details

White, L.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E.; Le Roux, D. (2006) A one-dimensional benchmark for the propagation of Poincaré waves. Ocean Modelling 15(1-2): 101-123, details


Coosen, J.; Mees, J.; Seys, J.; Fockedey, N. (Ed.) (2006) Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende, Belgium. iii, 135 pp., details

Mees, J. (2006) Inleiding tot de studiedag, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 1, details

Dumon, G.; Balcaen, N.; Huygens, M.; Hyde, Ph.; Haerens, P. (2006) Hydrodynamica ter hoogte van de Vlakte van de Raan, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 2-15, details

Du Four, I.; Schelfaut, K.; Vanheteren, S.; Van Dijk, T.; Van Lancker, V. (2006) Geologie en sedimentologie van het Westerscheldemondingsgebied, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. pp. 16-29, details

Peters, J.J. (2006) Belang van de Vlakte van de Raan voor de morfologische evoluties van het Schelde-estuarium, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 30-42, details

Termote, J. (2006) De Vlakte van de Raan in historisch-geografisch perspectief, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 43-51, details

Zeebroek, I.; Demerre, I.; Lenaerts, T.; Pieters, M. (2006) De Vlakte van de Raan in archeologisch perspectief, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 52-58, details

Courtens, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanermen, N. (2006) Zeevogels en zeezoogdieren van de Vlakte van de Raan, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 59-72, details

Sabbe, K.; Muylaert, K.; Kromkamp, J.; Vyverman, W. (2006) Primaire productie op het kruispunt van estuarium en kustzone, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 73-84, details

Craeymeersch, J.A.; Escaravage, V.; Steenbergen, J.; Wijsman, J.; Wijnhoven, S.; Kater, B. (2006) De bodemfauna in het Nederlands deel van de Scheldemonding, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 85-105, details

Degraer, S.; Verfaillie, E.; Vincx, M. (2006) Het macrobenthos van het Belgisch deel van de Vlakte van de Raan in een ruimer perspectief, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 106-115, details

Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I. (2006) De macro-, epi- en visfauna op de Vlakte van de Raan, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) (2006). Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 116-135, details



(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph 'Articles & papers')

Nature: international weekly journal of science. London, UK: Nature Publishing Group. ISSN 0028-0836. Vol. 443(7111-7112) 2006 (holdings, look here)

Science. American Association for the Advancement of Science: Washington DC, USA. ISSN 0036-8075. Vol. 313-314(5795-5796) 2006 (holdings, look here

Het Zeepaard. Strandwerkgemeenschap van KNNV/NJN/JNM: Leiden, The Netherlands. ISSN 0926-3497. Vol. 66(5) 2006 (holdings, look here



(for details on articles in these issues: see paragraph 'Articles & papers')

Coosen, J.; Mees, J.; Seys, J.; Fockedey, N. (Ed.) (2006) Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende, Belgium. iii, 135 pp., details

Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979) Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. Blackwell Scientific Publications: Oxford, UK. ISBN 0-632-00472-X. xvii, 684 pp., details

Littlepage, J. L.; McGinley, M.N. (1965) A bibliography of the genus Artemia (Artemia salina) 1812-1962. San Francisco Aquarium Society, Special Publication, 1. San Francisco Aquarium Society: San Francisco, CA (USA). 73 pp., details



Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979) Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. Blackwell Scientific Publications: Oxford, UK. ISBN 0-632-00472-X. xvii, 684 pp., details

Westhoff, V.; Schouten, M.G.C. (1979) The diversity of European coastal ecosystems, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 3-21, details

Coles, S.M. (1979) Benthic microalgal populations on intertidal sediments and their role as precursors to salt marsh development, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 25-42, details

Gray, A.J.; Parsell, R.J.; Scott, R. (1979) The genetic structure of plant populations in relation to the development of salt marshes, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 43-64, details

Corré, J.J. (1979) L'équilibre des biocénoses végétales salées en basse Camargue, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 65-76, details

Beeftink, W.G. (1979) The structure of salt marsh communities in relation to environmental disturbances, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 77-93, details

Watkinson, A.R.; Huiskes, A.H.L.; Noble, J.C. (1979) The demography of sand dune species with contrasting life cycles, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 95-112, details

Hope-Simpson, J.F.; Yemm, E.W. (1979) Braunton Burrows: developing vegetation in dune slacks, 1948-77, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 113-127, details

Anderson, C.; Taylor, K. (1979) Some factors affecting the growth of two populations of Festuca rubra var. arenaria on the dunes of Blakeney Point, Norfolk, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 129-143, details

Heydemann, B. (1979) Responses of animals to spatial and temporal environmental heterogeneity within salt marshes, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 145-163, details

Treherne, J.E.; Foster, W.A. (1979) Adaptive strategies of air-breathing arthropods from marine salt marshes, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 165-175, details

Barnes, R.S.K.; Williams, A.; Little, C.; Dorey, A.E. (1979) An ecological study of the Swanpool, Falmouth: 4. Population fluctuations of some dominant macrofauna, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 177-197, details

Dainty, J. (1979) The ionic and water relations of plants which adjust to a fluctuating saline environment, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 201-209, details

Stewart, G.R.; Larher, F.; Ahmad, I.; Lee, J.A. (1979) Nitrogen metabolism and salt-tolerance in higher plant halophytes, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 211-227, details

Rozema, J. (1979) Population dynamics and ecophysiological adaptations of some coastal members of the Juncaceae and Gramineae, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 229-241, details

Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J.; Rudmik, T. (1979) The growth strategies of coastal halophytes, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 243-268, details

Lockwood, A.P.M.; Inman, C.B.E. (1979) Ecophysiological responses of Gammarus duebeni to salinity fluctuations, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 269-284, details

Champeau, A. (1979) Les résponses des Copépodes (Crustacés) aux changements des conditions physico-chimiques dans les eaux temporaires Camarguaises, Provençales et Corses, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 285-293, details

Winter, K. (1979) Photosynthetic and water relationships of higher plants in a saline environment, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 297-320, details

Willert, D.J.v.; Brinckmann, E.; Schulze, E.-D. (1979) Ecophysiological investigations of plants in the coastal desert of southern Africa: ion content and crassulacean acid metabolism, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 321-331, details

Long, S.P.; Woolhouse, H.W. (1979) Primary production in Spartina marshes, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 333-352, details

Deshmukh, I.K. (1979) Fixation, accumulation and release of energy by Ammophila arenaria in a sand dune succession, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 353-362, details

Mann, K.H. (1979) Nitrogen limitations on the productivity of Spartina marshes, Laminaria kelp beds and higher trophic levels, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 363-370, details

Henriksen, K.; Jensen, A. (1979) Nitrogen mineralization in a salt marsh ecosystem dominated by Halimione portulacoides, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 373-384, details

Aziz, S.A.A.; Nedwell, D.B. (1979) Microbial nitrogen transformations in the salt marsh environment, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 385-398, details

Valiela, I.; Teal, J.M. (1979) Inputs, outputs and interconversions of nitrogen in a salt marsh ecosystem, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 399-414, details

Pugh, G.J.F. (1979) The distribution of fungi in coastal regions, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 415-427, details

Warwick, R.M.; Joint, I.R.; Radford, P.J. (1979) Secondary production of the benthos in an estuarine environment, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 429-450, details

Charman, K. (1979) Feeding ecology and energetics of the dark-bellied brent goose (Branta bernicla bernicla) in Essex and Kent, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 451-465, details

Wiegert, R.G. (1979) Ecological processes characteristic of coastal Spartina marshes of the south-eastern U.S.A., in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 467-490, details

Woodwell, G.M.; Houghton, R.A.; Hall, C.A.S.; Whitney, D.E.; Moll, R.A.; Juers, D.W. (1979) The Flax Pond ecosystem study: the annual metabolism and nutrient budgets of a salt marsh, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 491-511, details

Ranwell, D.S. (1979) Strategies for the management of coastal systems, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 515-527, details

Baker, J.M. (1979) Responses of salt marsh vegetation to oil spills and refinery effluents, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 529-542, details

van der Maarel, E. (1979) Environmental management of coastal dunes in the Netherlands, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 543-570, details

Sacchi, C.F. (1979) The coastal lagoons of Italy, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 593-601, details

Brehm, K. (1979) Factors affecting the vegetation of fresh water reservoirs on the German coast, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 603-615 + 1 map, details

Joenje, W. (1979) Plant succession and nature conservation of newly embanked tidal flats in the Lauwerszeepolder, in: Jefferies, R.L.; Davy, A.J. (Ed.) (1979). Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 617-634, details


Nature: international weekly journal of science [Nature (Lond.)]

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor)

vol. 443(7112) 2006

Research highlights

Anon. (2006) The naked sea floor. Nature (Lond.) 443(7112): 608, details

News features

Schrope, M. (2006) The real sea change. Nature (Lond.) 443(7112): 622-624, details


Science (Washington) [Science (Wash.)]

(marine science related articles in issues received, selection by editor

vol. 313(5795) 2006


Johnson, K.S. (2006) Manganese redox chemistry revisited. Science (Wash.) 313(5795): 1896-1897, details


Trouwborst, R.E.; Clement, B.G.; Tebo, B.M.; Glazer, B.T.; Luther III, G.W. (2006) Soluble Mn(III) in suboxic zones. Science (Wash.) 313(5795): 1955-1957, details


vol. 313(5796) 2006


Marshall, C.R. (2006) Fossil record reveals tropics as cradle and museum. Science (Wash.) 314(5796): 66-67, details

Research articles

Jablonski, D.; Roy, K.; Valentine, J.W. (2006) Out of the tropics: evolutionary dynamics of the latitudinal diversity gradient. Science (Wash.) 314(5796): 102-106, details


Kumar, K.K.; Rajagopalan, B.; Hoerling, M.; Bates, G.; Cane, M. (2006) Unraveling the mystery of Indian monsoon failure during El Niño. Science (Wash.) 314(5796): 115-119, details


Het Zeepaard

vol. 66(5) 2006

Simons, E.; Simons, G. (2006) Gevlochten fuikhoren (Nassarius reticulatus), nu ook recent in de Westerschelde. Het Zeepaard 66(5): 134, details

Stegenga, H. (2006) Recente veranderingen in algengroei in het Veerse Meer. Het Zeepaard 66(5): 135-138, details

Cadée, G.C.; Smit, P. (2006) De eerste sternoot (Astrocaryum) sp. van de Nederlandse kust. Het Zeepaard 66(5): 139-141, details

Kuijper, W.; van Leeuwen, S. (2006) De tweede slenk op Schiermonnikoog. Het Zeepaard 66(5): 142-155, details

Heerebout, G. (2006) Het vroegste muiltje (Crepidula fornicata Linnaeus 1758). Het Zeepaard 66(5): 155, details

Ates, R. (2006) Het raadsel van de jonge zeekreeft (Homarus gammarus). Het Zeepaard 66(5): 156-158, details

Cadée, G.C. (2006) Boekbespreking: 'Strandvondsten'. Het Zeepaard 66(5): 159-160, details



Meijer, A.J.M.; Waardenburg, H.W.; van Beek, G.C.W.; van Moorsel, G.W.N.M. (1990) Macrofyten en macrofauna in het buitenhavengebied van Ijmuiden, inventarisatie april 1990. Rapport Rijkswaterstaat Directie Noord-Holland, ANW(90,20). Bureau Waardenburg: Culemborg, Netherlands. 38, pp., details



Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Gibbons, J.; Guzman, L.; Schiavini, A. (2000) Abundance estimation of Commerson’s dolphin in the eastern area of the Strait of Magallan-Chile. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 73(3): 473-478, details

Nguyen, T.N.T.; Nguyen, N.P.; Dierckens, K.; Sorgeloos, P.; Bossier, P. (2006) Gnotobiotically grown rotiferBrachionus plicatilis sensu strictu as a tool for evaluation of microbial functions and nutritional value of different food types. Aquaculture 253(1-4): 421-432, details

Papakostas, S.; Dooms, S.; Triantafyllidis, A.; Deloof, D.; Kappas, I.; Dierckens, K.; De Wolf, T.; Bossier, P.; Vadstein, O.; Kui, S.; Sorgeloos, P.; Abatzopoulos, T.J. (2006) Evaluation of DNA methodologies in identifying Brachionus species used in European hatcheries. Aquaculture 255(1-4): 557-564, details



Wevers, M.; De Fré, R.; Voorspoels, S.; Covaci, A.; Schepens, P.; Matheeussen, C.; Van Hooste, H. (2004) Verspreiding van persistente organische polluenten (POP's), in: Van Steertegem, M. (2004). MIRA-T 2004: environmental and nature report Flanders: themes. pp. 159-171, details

Assmy P.; Henjes, J.; Smetacek, V.; Montresor, M. (2006) Auxospore formation by the silica-sinking, oceanic diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 42: 1002-1006, details



Willems, W. (2005) Fylogenie van de 'Typhloplanoida' (Platyhelminthes) op basis van 18S ribosomale DNA sequenties. PhD Thesis. Limburgs Universitair Centrum: Diepenbeek, Belgium. 66, appendices pp., details


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