VLIZ LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS NO. 366 / 21 September, 2007


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OPEN MARINE ARCHIVE (OMA): the open repository of publications by Flemish/Belgian scientists.

Anon. (2007) Eindrapport monitoring SBZ-V "Kustbroedvogels te Zeebrugge-Heist" en SBZ-V "Poldercomplex": resultaten van het tweede jaar. Adviesnota INBO, A.2007.116. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek: Brussel, Belgium. 86 pp., details

Courtens, W.; Stienen, E.W.M. (2006) Marine biological valuation of seabirds in the Belgian part of the North Sea. Rapport INBO, A.2006.122. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek: Brussel, Belgium. 25 pp., details

Derous, S.; Courtens, W.; Cuvelier, D.; Deckers, P.; Deneudt, K.; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Mees, J.; Moulaert, I.; Stienen, E.; Van Lancker, V.; Verfaillie, E.; Vincx, M.; Degraer, S. (2007) BWZee: A biological valuation map for the Belgian part of the North Sea: Final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussels, Belgium. 144 pp., details

Kerckhof, F.; Haelters, J.; Gollasch, S. (2007) Alien species in the marine and brackish ecosystem: the situation in Belgian waters. Aquatic Invasions 2(3): 243-257, details

Stienen, E.W.M.; Courtens, W.; Van de Walle, M. (2007). Evaluatie van de instandhoudingsdoelstellingen voor het SBZ-V ‘Kustbroedvogels te Zeebrugge-Heist’ tijdens het broedseizoen 2006, in: (2007). Eindrapport monitoring SBZ-V "Kustbroedvogels te Zeebrugge-Heist" en SBZ-V "Poldercomplex": resultaten van het tweede jaar. Adviesnota INBO, A.2007.116: pp. 5-14, details

Vanden Eede, S. (2007) Marine biological valuation of the Isles of Scilly archipelago. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent; MARELAC: Gent, Belgium. 40, annexes + 2 cd-roms pp., details



Anon. (2007) 5th European Conference on Marine Natural Products, 16-21 September 2007, Ischia, Naples, Italy: Book of abstracts. Edizioni Ziino: Naples, Italy. 224 pp., details

Dumont, H.; Shiganova, T.A.; Niermann, U. (Ed.) (2004) Aquatic invasions in the Black, Caspian, and Mediterranean Seas: The ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe in the Ponto-Caspian and other aquatic invasions. Nato Science Series: 4. Earth and Environmental Sciences, 35. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 313 pp., details

Hansson, H.G. (1998) NEAT (North East Atlantic Taxa): South Scandinavian marine & maritime Chelicerata & Uniramia: check-list. Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory: Sweden. 29 pp., details

Krause, J.C.; von Nordheim, H.; Bräger, S. (2007) Marine nature conservation in Europe 2006: Proceedings of the Symposium, held in Stralsund, Germany, 8th-12th May 2006. BfN (Bundesamt für Naturschutz)-Skripten, 193. Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN): Bonn, Germany. 271 pp., details



Het Zeepaard 13(3) 1953

  • Stock, J.H.; Mulder, A. De Noordzeekanaalinventarisatie (vervolg), details
  • Viergever, J. Zeedieren in het overstroomde Schouwen-Duiveland, details
  • van Urk, R.M. Sagartia bellis, details
  • Bloklander, A.; Van Dalsum, J. Het aanspoelen van fossielen op de Zeeuwse stranden, details

Het Zeepaard 13(4) 1953

  • van Urk, R.M. De merkwaardige verspreiding van Actinia equina (Gewone zeeanemoon), details
  • Smits, H. Iets over wenteltrapjes, details
  • den Hartog, C.; Tulp, A. Notities betreffende het litoraal van Ameland, details

Nato Science Series: 4. Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dumont, H.; Shiganova, T.A.; Niermann, U. (Ed.) (2004) Aquatic invasions in the Black, Caspian, and Mediterranean Seas: The ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe in the Ponto-Caspian and other aquatic invasions. Nato Science Series: 4. Earth and Environmental Sciences, 35. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 313 pp.

  • Niermann, U. (2004) Mnemiopsis leidyi: distribution and effect on the Black Sea ecosystem during the first years of invasion in comparison with other gelatinous blooms, details
  • Shiganova, T.A.; Dumont, H.J.; Mikaelyan, A.; Glazov, D.M.; Bulgakova, Y.V.; Musaeva, E.I.; Sorokin, P.Y.; Pautova, L.A.; Mirzoyan, Z.A.; Studenikina, E.I. (2004) Interactions between the invading ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi (A. Agassiz) and Mayer 1912, and their influence on the pelagic ecosystem of the northeastern Black Sea, details
  • Dumont, H.J.; Shiganova, T.A.; Niermann, U. (2004) Preface, details
  • Shiganova, T.A.; Dumont, H.J.; Sokolsky, A.F.; Kamakin, A.M.; Tinenkova, D.; Kurasheva, E.K. (2004) Population dynamics of Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Caspian Sea, and effects on the Caspian ecosystem, details
  • Shiganova, T.A.; Christou, E.D.; Bulgakova, Y.V.; Siokou-Frangou, I.; Zervoudaki, S.; Siapatis, A. (2004) Distribution and biology of Mnemiopsis leidyi in the northern Aegean Sea, and comparison with the indigenous Bolinopsis vitrea, details
  • Kamburska, L. (2004) Effects of Beroe cf ovata on gelatinous and other zooplankton along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, details
  • Isinibilir, M.; Tarkan, A.N.; Kideys, A.E. (2004) Decreased levels of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis in the Marmara Sea in 2001, details
  • Bayha, K.M.; Harbison, G.R.; McDonald, J.H.; Gaffney, P.M. (2004) Preliminary investigation on the molecular systematics of the invasive ctenophore Beroe ovata, details
  • Volovik, S.P.; Korpakova, I.G. (2004) Introduction of Beroe cf ovata to the Caspian Sea needed to control Mnemiopsis leidyi, details
  • Kideys, A.E.; Finenko, G.A.; Anninsky, B.E.; Shiganova, T.A.; Roohi, A.; Tabari, M.R.; Youseffan, M.; Rostamiya, M.T. (2004) Feeding, respiration and growth of the ctenophore Beroe cf ovata in the conditions of low salinity of the Caspian Sea, details
  • Shakirova, F.M. (2004) A brief résumé of the status of the Mnemiopsis population in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea according to observations during the first half of 2002, details
  • Kuliyev, Z.M. (2004) Dynamics of Mnemiopsis distribution in the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea in 2001-2002, details
  • Kim, Y.A.; Kwan, L.V.; Demesinova, G. (2004) Investigation on distribution and biomass of Mnemiopsis in the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea in May 2002, details
  • Ketelaars, H.A.M. (2004) Range extensions of Ponto-Caspian aquatic invertebrates in continental Europe, details
  • Leppäkoski, E. (2004) Living in a sea of exotics - the Baltic case, details
  • Panov, V.E. (2004) Internet-based information resources of aquatic alien species relevant to the Ponto-Caspian region, details
  • Malej, A.; Malej Jr., A. (2004) Invasion of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca in the northern Adriatic: a non-success story, details
  • Thibaut, T.; Meinesz, A. (2004) Caulerpa taxifolia: 18 years of infestation in the Mediterranean Sea, details
  • Dumont, H.J.; Shiganova, T.A.; Niermann, U. (2004) Conclusions from the meeting, details

Neptunea 6(3) 2007

  • Verstraeten, J.; Nolf, F. Study of a Canary Island species of the genus Diodora Gray, 1821 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Fissurelloidea: Fissurellidae) resulting in the description of a new species, details
  • Rolán, E.; Fernández-Garcés, R. Caribbean Triphoridae (Gastropoda: Triphoroidea): list and colour illustrations, details
  • Rolán, E. et al. Two new species of the genera Crassispira and Agladrillia (Gastropoda, Conoidea) from Angola, details



Hiscock, K.; Breckels, M. (2007) Marine biodiversity hotspots in the UK: A report identifying and protecting areas for marine biodiversity. WWF: UK. 118 pp., details

Jonker, S.; Bijkerk, J.; Sierdsma, F.; Tydeman, P.; Janssen, G. (2006) Gestrand tussen wal en schip. Strand geďntegreerd in kustbeheer: uitdaging voor wet – en regelgeving. 1. Rapport RIKZ, 2006.023. RIKZ: The Netherlands. 101 pp., details

Meire, M.; Bracke, P. (2005). Leefbaarheidsonderzoek voor de kust: Eindrapport. Provincie West-Vlaanderen: Belgium. 152 pp., details



Bellwood, D.R.; Hughes, T.P. (2001) Regional-scale assembly rules and biodiversity of coral reefs. Science (Wash.) 292(5521): 1532-1535 , details

Beullens, K.; Eding, E.H.; Ollevier, F.; Komen, J.; Richter, C.J.J. (1997) Sex differentiation, changes in length, weight and eye size before and after metamorphosis of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) maintained in captivity. Aquaculture 153(1-2): 151-162 , details

Borgström, G. (1953) Herring delicatessen and marinated products (semi-sterile herring preserves), in: Jul, M.; Kondrup, M. (Ed.) (1953). The technology of herring utilization: Report of the FAO meeting on herring technology, Bergen, Norway, 24-29 September 1950. pp. 1-17 , details

Borja, A.; Franco, J.; Pérez, V. (2000) A marine biotic index to establish the ecological quality of soft-bottom benthos within European estuarine and coastal environments. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 40(12): 1100-1114 , details

Carwardine, J.; Rochester, W.A.; Richardson, K.S.; Williams, K.J.; Pressey, R.L.; Possingham, H.P. (2007) Conservation planning with irreplaceability: Does the method matter? Biodivers. Conserv. 16(1): 245-258 , details

De Loof, A.; Briers, T.; Huybrechts, R.; Ollevier, F.; Peferoen, M.; Stoppie, P.; Stynen, D. (1982) Hormones, ion pumps and control of gene expression: the cell as a miniature electrophoresis chamber? Ann. Soc. Roy. Zool. Belg. 112: 3-22 , details

Duineveld, G.C.A.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Lavaleye, M.S.S. (2007) Effects of an area closed to fisheries on the composition of the benthic fauna in the southern North Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 64(5): 899-908, details

Fontana, A.; D'Ippolito, G.; Cutignano, A.; Miralto, A.; Ianora, A.; Romano, G.; Cimino, G. (2007) Chemistry of oxylipin pathways in marine diatoms. Pure Appl. Chem. 79(4): 481-490 , details

Haenen, O.L.M.; Grisez, L.; de Charleroy, D.; Belpaire, C.; Ollevier, F. (1991) Artificial infection of the European eel with third-stage larvae of the nematode Anguillicola crassus. J. Aquat. Anim. Health 3(4): 263-265 , details

Kendall, M.A.; Widdicombe, S.; Davey, J.T.; Somerfield, P.J.; Austen, M.C.V.; Warwick, R.M. (1996) The biogeography of islands: Preliminary results from a comparative study of the Isles of Scilly and Cornwall. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 76(1): 219-222 , details

Leslie, H.M. (2005) A synthesis of marine conservation planning approaches. Conserv. Biol. 19(6): 1701-1713 , details

Lundquist, C.J.; Granek, E.F. (2005) Strategies for successful marine conservation: Integrating socioeconomic, political, and scientific factors. Conserv. Biol. 19(6): 1771-1778 , details

Moffett, A.; Sarkar, S. (2006) Incorporating multiple criteria into the design of conservation area networks: A mini-review with recommendations. Diversity Distrib. 12(2): 125-137 , details

Moons, L.; Cambré, M.; Marivoet, S.; Batten, T.F.C.; Vanderhaeghen, J.-J.; Ollevier, F.; Vandesande, F. (1988) Peptidergic innervation of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)- and growth hormone (GH)-producing cells in the pars distalis of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 72(2): 171-180 , details

Nordgaard, O. (1918) Bryozoa from the Arctic regions. Tromsř Mus . Aarsheft. 40(1): 1-99, details

Olivereau, M.; Ollevier, F.; Vandesande, F.; Verdonck, W. (1984) Immunocytochemical identification of CRF-like and SRIF-like peptides in the brain and the pituitary of cyprinid fish. Cell Tissue Res. 237(2): 379-382 , details

Ollevier, F.; Covens, M. (1983) Vitellogenins in Gasterosteus aculeatus. Ann. Soc. Roy. Zool. Belg. 113: 327-334 , details

Olson, D.M.; Dinerstein, E. (1998) The global 200: A representation approach to conserving the Earth's most biologically valuable ecoregions. Conserv. Biol. 12(3): 502-515 , details

Rogers, S.I.; Clarke, K.R.; Reynolds, J.D. (1999) The taxonomic distinctness of coastal bottom-dwelling fish communities of the North-east Atlantic. J. Anim. Ecol. 68(4): 769-782 , details

Rurangwa, E.; Kime, D.E.; Ollevier, F.; Nash, J.P. (2004) The measurement of sperm motility and factors affecting sperm quality in cultured fish. Aquaculture 234(1-4): 1-28 , details

Stewart, R.R.; Possingham, H.P. (2005) Efficiency, costs and trade-offs in marine reserve system design. Environ. Model. Assess. 10(3): 203-213 , details

Warwick, R.M.; Dashfield, S.L.; Somerfield, P.J. (2006) The integral structure of a benthic infaunal assemblage. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 330(1): 12-18 , details



Bazigou, F.M. (2007) The legislation regarding the western Greek section of the wetland bird migration routes: a preliminary analysis of the adequacy of and of its implementation. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA)/Universiteit Antwerpen: Brussel, Belgium. xi, 157, annexes pp., details

Chukwudi, E.K. (2007) Mobility of pollutants in riverine sediments using DET (diffusive equilibrium in thin films), DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) techniques and in situ flux experiments. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA)/Universiteit Antwerpen: Brussel, Belgium. 93 pp., details

Forero Parra, C.E. (2007) A biological valuation map for the Dutch Continental Shelf. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA)/Universiteit Antwerpen: Brussel, Belgium. 40, annexes pp., details

Hagos, K. (2007) Evaluating the toxicity of marine sediments from East coast of Africa (Eritrea, Kenya and Tanzania) using algae Artemia bioassays and preliminary study of energy stores as alternative method to evaluate sediment toxicity. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA)/Universiteit Antwerpen: Brussel, Belgium. 71 + app. pp., details

Huong, L.T. (2007) Toxicity of metal mixtures (Cu, Hg, Cd) to marine invertebrates: Artemia, mussels. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA)/Universiteit Antwerpen: Brussel, Belgium. 59, annexes pp., details

Mwaura, J.M. (2007) Analysis of reef ecology and fisheries information for a small-scale fishery management in Diani-Chale, southern Kenya: a GIS and RDBMS application. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA)/Universiteit Antwerpen: Brussel, Belgium. 59 pp., details

Okuku, E.O. (2007) Bioavailability of sediment-bound heavy metals along the coast of Eastern Africa and evaluation of metal concentrations along the trophic hierarchy. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA)/Universiteit Antwerpen: Brussle, Belgium. 80 + app. pp., details

Silvano, K.M. (2007) Assessing the quality of MODIS ocean colour chlorophyll products for application to upwellings in coastal and oceanic waters of the Philippines. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA)/Universiteit Antwerpen: Brussel, Belgium. 64 pp., details

Vanden Eede, S. (2007) Marine biological valuation of the Isles of Scilly archipelago. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent; MARELAC: Gent, Belgium. 40, annexes + 2 cd-roms pp., details




VLIZ-LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS / Oostende : Flanders Marine Institute, 2007
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