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Vansteenkiste, P.; Lenoir, M.; Bourgois, J.G. (2021). Gaze behaviour of experienced and novice beach lifeguards – An exploratory in situ study, more


Lebata-Ramos, M.J.H.L. et al. (2021). Growth and survival of oyster Crassostrea iredalei (Faustino, 1932): a comparison of wild and hatchery-bred spat in grow-out culture, more


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Bonar, S.A. (2021). More than 100 aquatic-science societies sound climate alarm, more

Good, P. et al. (2021). High sensitivity of tropical precipitation to local sea surface temperature, more

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Saoud, M.F.A. et al. (2002). Helminth parasites of fishes from the Arabian Gulf: 10. Trematodes of the genus Stephanostomum Looss, 1899 (Digenea: Acanthocolpidae Luhe, 1901), with description of Stephanostomum qatarense n.sp. and redescription of Stephanostomum triacanthi Madhavi, 1976, more

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Milazzo, M. et al. (2021). Mediterranean sharks and rays need action, more

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Voosen, P. (2021). Global temperatures in 2020 tied record highs, more

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Bezerra, T.N. et al. (2021). Description and distribution of Erebussau nom. nov. pro Erebus Bussau, 1993 nec Erebus Latreille, 1810 with description of a new specie, and of Odetenema gesarae gen. nov., sp. nov. (Nematoda: Desmoscolecida) from nodule-bearing abyssal sediments in the Pacific, more

Kwon, S.-Y. et al. (2020). A new Gammarus species (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae) from Northwestern Islands, South Korea, more

Maddocks, R.F. (2021). Taxonomic applications of the esophageal flapper valve in the genus Neonesidea (Bairdioidea, Podocopida, Ostracoda), including descriptions of new and poorly known species from the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, more

Miranda, M.S.; Strong, E.E.; Passos, F.D. (2020). Type specimens of Caudofoveata (Mollusca, Aplacophora) in the molluscan collections of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, and of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, more



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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngKim, I.-H.; Boxshall, G.A. (2020). Untold diversity: the astonishing species richness of the Notodelphyidae (Copepoda: Cyclopoida), a family of symbiotic copepods associated with ascidians (Tunicata). Megataxa, 4(1). Magnolia Press: Auckland. ISBN 978-1-77688-134-5; e-ISBN 978-1-77688-135-2. 660 pp. https://hdl.handle.net/10.11646/megataxa.4.1.1, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.png(2020). Kustlijnkaarten 2021. Rijkswaterstaat: Nederland. 129 pp, more

https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngBrito e Melo, A.; Jeffrey, H. (Ed.) (2020). An overview of Ocean Energy activities in 2019: Annual Report. The Executive Committee of Ocean Energy Systems: [s.l.]. 152 pp, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngEuropean Commission (2020). Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe. COM(2020) 301 final. European Commission: Brussels. 23 pp, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngKotterman, M.J.J.; de Hart, M.R.; Sneekes, A.C. (2020). Biomonitoring Rijkswateren t/m 2019. Deel II: toegepaste methoden. IMARES Wageningen Report, C103/20. Wageningen Marine Research: IJmuiden. 86 pp, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngOcean Energy Europe (2020). 2030 Ocean Energy Vision: Industry analysis of future deployments, costs and supply chains. Ocean Energy Europe (OEE): Brussels. 23 pp, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngSneekes, A.C.; Kotterman, M.J.J. (2020). Biotamonitoring Rijkswateren t/m 2019. Deel I: toetsing en trends. IMARES Wageningen Report, C104/20. Wageningen Marine Research: IJmuiden. 145 pp, more

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https://www.vliz.be/images/imis/icons/openaccess.pngVillate, J.L. et al. (2020). Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Ocean Energy. European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy (ETIP Ocean): [s.l.]. 63 pp, more

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Nepote, F.T.A. (2020). Lesões causadas pelos parasitas do gênero Crassicauda em crânios do boto Tursiops truncatus. BSc Thesis. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia: Florianópolis. 36 pp, more

Pessoa, L.A. (2020). Padrões de dispersão, distribuição espaço-temporal e bioindicadores ambientais da macrofauna bentônica não consolidado na Baía de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). PhD Thesis. UFRJ/COPPE: Rio de Janeiro. 134 pp, more

Pierrejean, M. (2020). Répercussions actuelles et futures du changement climatique sur les communautés benthiques dans l’Arctique Canadien. PhD Thesis. Université Laval: Quebec. xxiv, 167 pp, more

Tabet, I.; Latreche, R. (2020). Statistique de pêche et étude biométrique de quelques espèces d’Échinoderme des fonds chalutables de la côte de Mostaganem. MSc Thesis. Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem: Mostaganem. 60 pp, more

Terán Suárez, F.E. (2020). Determinación de las relaciones tróficas del alga Caulerpa racemosa en la Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos, y análisis de posibles agentes de biocontrol. BSc Thesis. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador: Quito. xii, 55 pp, more



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