Collected reprints: Abstract 3253

Collected reprints


Dehairs, F.; Lambert, C.E.; Chesselet, R.; Risler, N. (1987). The biological production of marine suspended barite and the barium cycle in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Biogeochemistry 4: 119-139

Suspended particulate barium was measured in the Western Mediterranean along 4 profiles sampled during the PHYCEMED 1 cruise in 1981. The non-terrigenous fraction of particulate barium (i.e. excess Ba; Baxs) can account for up to 96 % of the total barium. This fraction follows the barite settling and dissolution rate model we described earlier for the Atlantic Ocean, conforming barite as the carrier of excess barium. We propose that these Baxs concentrations, which are higher in the Western Mediterranean than in the overall Atlantic, may represent an adaptation of the microplankton to the high densities and density gradients of surface Mediterranean waters. A mass-balance for Ba in the Mediterranean Sea shows: (1) that the atmospheric source must be much more important than previously reported; (2) that contrary to the Atlantic situation, the internal recycling of barium is of little importance compared to the flow of barium through the system.

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