Collected reprints: Abstract 3231

Collected reprints


Wolf, G.; Vanpachtebeke, M.; Hens, F.; Decleir, W.; Moens, L.; Van Hauwaert, M-L. (1987). Study of the oxygen binding properties of Artemia hemoglobins. Artemia Research and its Applications 2: 221-230

The physiological properties of total hemoglobin samples from Artemia populations of different geographical origin (Tientsin, Great Salt Lake, Chaplin Lake, Macau, Galera Zamba) have been studied in vitro. Measurements carried out with the diffusion chamber technique at different pH-values and temperatures, revealed significant differences in oxygen affinity (p50 values between 1.25 and 16.33 mm Hg), cooperativity (Hill coefficients between 1.07 and 2.18) and free oxygen-binding energy (between -34.7 and 56.2 Kj/mol). All the strains showed a decrease of oxygen affinity with increasing temperature, and a positive Bohr effect. Tientsin containing a considerable amount of Hbl (36.6%), shows the lowest oxygen affinity. The highest cooperativity is found for Tientsin, and the lowest for Galera Zamba. Submission of the adult Artemia strains to cyclic hypoxic stress resulted in the production of hemoglobin. Hb2 was always the main pigment. Next to Hb2, Tientsin and Great Salt Lake produced preferentially Hbl, and Galera Zamba and Macau Hb3. Chaplin Lake produced the three types of hemoglobin.

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