Collected reprints: Abstract 2894

Collected reprints


Verpraet, R.; Chair, M.; Léger, P.; Nelis, H.; Sorgeloos, P.; De Leenheer, A. (1992). Live-food mediated drug delivery as a tool for disease treatment in larviculture : the enrichment of therapeutics in rotifers and Artemia nauplii. Aquacult. Eng. 11: 133-139

The live food enrichment technique using emulsions for nutritional deficiencies in rotifers and Artemia was further investigated as a tool for transferring therapeutics through the food chain. Artemia nauplii and the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis were enriched with a self-emulsifying concentrate in which the therapeutic mixture trimetoprim: sulfamethoxazole was incorporated. An analytical method and protocol for the quantification of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in a heterogeneous biological matrix, such as Artemia, was developed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. When applying a 24h enrichment period, the accumulation of both drugs in Artemia nauplii appeared to be linearly related to the concentration of the drugs in the enrichment product. Values of approximately 790 mg/kg of total drugs (protein basis; or 290 mg/kg on dry weight basis) could be obtained. In rotifers, the level of total therapeutics reached a value of about 116,mg/kg (protein basis) after 6h of enrichment. The ratio of the two drugs detected in rotifers was different from the one found in Artemia, suggesting different accumulation kinetics.

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