VLIZ LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS NO. 488 / 3 December, 2010

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Open Marine Archive BooksJournal articles, book chaptersNature ToC Reports


OPEN MARINE ARCHIVE (OMA): the open repository of publications by Flemish/Belgian scientists.

Liste officièle des navires de mer et des bâtiments de pêche belges avec leurs lettres signalétiques = Officieele lijst der zeeschepen en der Belgische visschersvaartuigen met hunne seinletters. Beheer van het Zeewezen/Administration de la Marine: Brussel, details

Officiële lijst van de Belgische vissersvaartuigen = Liste officièlle des navires de pêche belges. Federale Overheidsdienst Mobiliteit en Vervoer: Brussel, details

Officieele lijst der visschersvaartuigen. Ministerie van Landbouw. Dienst voor Zeevisscherij: Oostende, details

Officieele lijst der Belgische visschersvaartuigen. Bestuur van het Zeewezen: Brussel, details

Officiële lijst der Belgische vissersvaartuigen. Beheer van het Zeewezen: Brussel, details

de la Peña, E. et al. (2008). Analysis of the specificity of three root-feeders towards grasses in coastal dunes Plant Soil 310(1-2): 113-120, details

Nagelkerken, I. et al. (2010). Differences in root architecture influence attraction of fishes to mangroves: A field experiment mimicking roots of different length, orientation, and complexity J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 396(1): 27-34, details

Polet, H. et al. (2010). Studies and pilot projects for carrying out the Common Fisheries Policy. Topic: LOT 3, Scientific advice concerning the impact of the gears used to catch plaice and sole. Report submitted to the DG for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, European Commission. Tenders FISH/2007/7. Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek (ILVO-Visserij): Oostende. 440 pp., details

Van Hoey, G. et al. (2010). The use of benthic indicators in Europe: From the Water Framework Directive to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Mar. Pollut. Bull. 60(12): 2187-2196, details

Vandegehuchte, M.L. et al. (2010). Aphids on Ammophila arenaria in Belgium: first reports, phenology and host range expansion Belg. J. Zool. 140(1): 77-80, details

Vandegehuchte, M.L. et al. (2010). Relative importance of biotic and abiotic soil components to plant growth and insect herbivore population dynamics PLoS One 5(9): e12937, details

Vandegehuchte, M.L. et al. (2010). Interactions between root and shoot herbivores of Ammophila arenaria in the laboratory do not translate into correlated abundances in the field Oikos 119(6): 1011-1019, details



Burns, L.G. (2007). Tracking trash: flotsam, jetsam and the science of ocean motion. Scientists in the Field. Houghton Mifflin: New York. ISBN 978-0-618-58131-3. 58 pp., details

Carpita, V.; Willmann, R. (2009). Antoine-Joseph Dezallier D'Argenville: Shells = Muscheln = Coquillages. Conchology or the natural history of sea, freshwater, terrestrial and fossil shells 1780. Taschen: Köln. ISBN 978-3-8365-1111-7. 216, LXXX pl. pp., details

Corson, T. (2007). The Zen of fish: The story of sushi, from Samurai to supermarket. HarperCollins: New York, NY. ISBN 978-0-06-088350-8. 372 pp., details

Donkersloot-de Vrij, M. (2002). 'Scellinge': Vijf eeuwen kartografie van Terschelling. Matrijs: Utrecht. ISBN 90-5345-211-7. 166 pp., details

Frisch, W. et al. (2011). Plate tectonics: Continental drift and mountain building. Springer: Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-76504-2. 212 pp., details

IMO (1996). Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage: Texts of Conventions on Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage. International Maritime Organization (IMO): London. ISBN 92-801-1331-3. 112 pp., details

INVEMAR (Ed.) (2010). Informe del Estado de los Ambientes y Recursos Marinos y Costeros en Colombia: Año 2009. Serie de Publicaciones Periódicas, 8. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras "José Benito Vives de Andreis (INVEMAR): Santa Marta. 319 pp., details

Knowlton, N. (2010). Citizens of the sea: Wondrous creatures from the Census of Marine Life. National Geographic: Washington, DC. ISBN 978-1-4262-0643-6. 209 pp., details

Moody, S. (2006). Washed up: The curious journeys of flotsam and jetsam. Sasquatch Books: Seattle, WA. ISBN 1-57061-463-6. 231 pp., details

Valle-Levinson, A. (Ed.) (2010). Contemporary issues in estuarine physics. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 978-0-511-67776-2. 315 pp., details



Aquaculture International: journal of the European Aquaculture Society

  • Barord, G.J. et al. (2010). Determining the effects of stocking density and temperature on growth and food consumption in the Pharaoh cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis, Ehrenberg 1890 , details
  • Chaitanawisuti, N. et al. (2010). Effects of dietary calcium and phosphorus supplementation on the growth performance of juvenile spotted babylon Babylonia areolata culture in a recirculating culture system , details
  • Domingues, P. et al. (2010). The use of alternative prey (crayfish, Procambarus clarki, and hake, Merlucius gayi) to culture Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier 1797) , details
  • Domingues, P.; Márquez, L. (2010). Effects of culture density and bottom area on growth and survival of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758) , details
  • Galley, T.H. et al. (2010). Optimisation of larval culture of the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.) , details
  • Gústavsson, A. et al. (2010). Growth and blood chemistry of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) in relation to salinity and continuous light , details
  • Herrera, M. et al. (2010). Weaning of the wedge sole Dicologoglossa cuneata (Moreau): influence of initial size on survival and growth , details
  • Huai, M.-Y. et al. (2010). Effect of dietary protein reduction with synthetic amino acids supplementation on growth performance, digestibility, and body composition of juvenile Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei , details
  • Huang, J. et al. (2010). The effects of restoration techniques on protozoan communities in mandarin fish culture ponds, based on an artificial substrate , details
  • Li, L.; Li, Q. (2010). Effects of stocking density, temperature, and salinity on larval survival and growth of the red race of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) , details
  • Moschino, V. et al. (2010). Use of biomarkers to assess the welfare of the edible clam, Ruditapes philippinarum: may it be a tool for proving areas of origin? , details
  • Roth, B. et al. (2010). The influence of anaerobic muscle activity, maturation and season on the flesh quality of farmed turbot , details

De Plate: Tijdschrift Heemkundige Kring "De Plate"

  • Gevaert, F. (1996). Zeewezensprokkels (5): De schepen van de Oostende-Doverlijn tijdens W.O. II , details
  • Jansoone, R. (2003). Oostende en de zeevisserij tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog (5) , details
  • Jansoone, R. (2010). Het dagelijks leven in Oostende tijdens de bezetting (1940-1944): deel 1 , details

Marine Pollution Bulletin

  • O'Brine, T.; Thompson, R.C. (2010). Degradation of plastic carrier bags in the marine environment , details
  • Van Hoey, G. et al. (2010). The use of benthic indicators in Europe: From the Water Framework Directive to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive , details


  • Nolf, F. (2010). The presence of Laevicardium pictum (Ravenel, 1861) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Cardiidae) off São Tomé and Principe, Gulf of Guinea , details
  • Nolf, F.; Swinnen, F. (2010). A new genus and species of “Drillia-liketurrids (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Drilliidae) from Senegal , details
  • Nolf, F.; Swinnen, F. (2010). Confirmation of the presence of Calliostoma gubbiolii Nofroni, 1984 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Calliostomatidae) in the north of Angola , details

Valle-Levinson, A. (Ed.) (2010). Contemporary issues in estuarine physics. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 978-0-511-67776-2. 315 pp., details

  • Valle-Levinson, A. (2010). Definition and classification of estuaries, details
  • Geyer, W.R. (2010). Estuarine salinity structure and circulation, details
  • Friedrichs, C.T. (2010). Barotropic tides in channelized estuaries, details
  • Jay, D.A. (2010). Estuarine variability, details
  • Chant, R.J. (2010). Estuarine secondary circulation, details
  • Winant, C. (2010). Wind and tidally driven flows in a semienclosed basin, details
  • Monismith, S.G. (2010). Mixing in estuaries, details
  • O'Donnell, J. (2010). The dynamics of estuary plumes and fronts, details
  • Largier, J. (2010). Low-inflow estuaries: hypersaline, inverse, and thermal scenarios, details
  • Lucas, L.V. (2010). Implications of estuarine transport for water quality, details


Campbell, R.D. (1999). The Hydra of Madagascar (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) Ann. Limnol. 35(2): 95-104, details

Belpaire, A. (1854). Notice sur l'histoire hydrographique du port d'Ostende Annales des travaux publics de belgique 12: 271-314, details

Tutt, D. (1990). Rock Pipit breaking snail shell Brit. Birds 83(6): 239, details

Bijlsma, R.G. (1977). Voorkomen en oecologie van Anthus spinoletta spinoletta en A. s. littoralis in de uiterwaarden van de Rijn bij Wageningen Limosa 50(3-4): 127-136, details

Bird, F.L. et al. (1999). Effect of burrowing macrobenthos on the flux of dissolved substances across the water-sediment interface Mar. Freshw. Res. 50(6): 523-532, details

Pedersen, R.B. et al. (2010). Discovery of a black smoker vent field and vent fauna at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Nature Communications 1(126): 1-6, details

Habs, H.; Heinz, H.J. (1951). Beitrag zur Biologie freilebender Wanderratten (nach Beobachtungen auf der Vogelschutzinsel Scharhörn) Z. hyg. Zool. 39: 65-81, details

Steiniger, F. (1948). Biologische Beobachtungen an freilebenden Wanderratten auf der Hallig Norderoog Zool. Anz. Suppl. 13: 152-156, details



  • (2010). Seafood stewardship , details [News in brief]



Goudswaard, P.C. et al. (2010). Schelpdieren in de Nederlandse kustwateren, een kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve bestandsopname in 2010. Wageningen IMARES Rapport, C99/10. Wageningen IMARES: Yerseke. 66 pp., details

Polet, H. et al. (2010). Studies and pilot projects for carrying out the Common Fisheries Policy. Topic: LOT 3, Scientific advice concerning the impact of the gears used to catch plaice and sole. Report submitted to the DG for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, European Commission. Tenders FISH/2007/7. Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek (ILVO-Visserij): Oostende. 440 pp., details


VLIZ-LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS / Oostende : Flanders Marine Institute, 2010
responsible publisher and editor: Jan Mees, Wandelaarkaai 7, B-8400 Oostende (Belgium)

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