Endocrine Disruption in the Scheldt estuary:
distribution, exposure and effects
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Neomysis integer

283x200x24 Windows Bitmap

Neomysis integer

421x295x24 Tiff RGB

Neomysis integer

338x251x24 Windows Bitmap

Neomysis integer

295x364x24 JPEG JFIF 1.1

Neomysis integer

473x345x24 Jpeg JFIF 1.1

Neomysis integer

298x164x24 Jpeg JFIF 1.1

Pomatoschistus sp.

357x116x24 Jpeg JFIF 1.1

Pomatoschistus sp.

150x94x24 Jpeg JFIF 1.1

Pomatoschistus sp.

268x89x24 Jpeg JFIF 1.1
Supported by
the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office

General coordination: Colin Janssen, An Ghekiere
Web site and databases hosted by VLIZ