Presentations, videos and reports from the first conference


1st BiodiversityKnowledge conference

Discussing the Network of Knowledge approach for Europe

and its links to international processes

May 21st-23rd, 2012

Brussels, BELSPO offices

pin none: Presentation available   pin out: video available    pin over: Report available    ¹  Live webstreaming

Day 1:   May 21st

Framing the challenge: Improved networking of knowledge holders in Europe on biodiversity and ecosystem services – for Europe and the world


Session 1: Welcome and inspiration


30 min ¹



BELSPO representative

Arnas Milukas (DG Research & Innovation)

30 min ¹    pin nonepin out

Introduction to the conference and the Network of Knowledge approach

Carsten Neßhöver (KNEU project, UFZ)

30 min ¹

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A look beyond: The Cochrane collaboration as example of successful evidence provision in the health sector

Filip Cools (Cochrane Collaboration)

30 min¹

Warm up discussion round



Coffee break




Session 2: Experiences from different knowledge holders in supporting policy making

30 min ¹

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Introduction: the knowledge landscape in Europe and the needs from policy – a synopsis

Estelle Balian (KNEU team, RBINS)

80 min

Knowledge café: Discussion experiences from different knowledge holder perspectives


40 min  pin over

Table wrap up



Day 2:   May 22nd

Experiences and challenges for the operations of a NoK


Session 3: How could a Network of Knowledge look like?

40 min¹

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Introduction: the NoK prototype

Barbara Livoreil (KNEU project, FRB)

40 min¹

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The main challenges identified behind the NoK and its approach

Ilse Geijzendorffer, (KNEU project, ALTERRA)

40 min¹

Discussion and introduction to break-out group I



Coffee break




Session 4: Break-out group I - Technical aspects for the operations of a Network of Knowledge

90 min

Break-out groups on different aspects of the NoK, e.g.:

1. Participation

2. Governance and transparency

3. Relevance to policy

4. Quality assurance

3-5 groups


30 min  pin over

Wrap-up of break-out group I



Lunch break




Session 5: Bringing a NoK into action – demonstration cases and community driven activities

4*15 min¹ The demonstration cases to test the NoK: KNEU demonstration case leaders
      pin nonepin out 1. Introduction: Testing the prototype Stefan Schindler, University of Vienna
      pin nonepin out 2. Conservation case Stefan Schindler, University of Vienna

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3. Agricultural case

Barbara Livoreil (FRB)

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4. Marine case

Isabel Sousa Pinto (CIIMAR)

30 min ¹

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Developing a continuous exchange base

Carsten Neßhöver (KNEU project, UFZ)

45 min ¹

Discussion of break-out group I results and introduction to break-out group II



Coffee break




Session 6: Break-out group II: Thematic and practical challenges

90 min

Break-out group II on practical challenges, e.g.:

-        Integration of different forms of knowledge into the work; use of adaptive management

-        Use of evidence-based approaches

-        Building a community of interest with other networks

-        … (topics to be specified in session 5)

3-5 groups


30 min  pin over

Wrap-up of Break-out Group II



Conference dinner



Day 3:   May 23rd

The international challenge: Supporting IPBES and other global processes from Europe


Session 7: Supporting IPBES and other processes

30 min¹

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The EEA and its work on interfacing

knowledge provision and decision making

Jacqueline McGlade (EEA)

30 min¹

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Results of the IPBES plenary in Panama

Thomas Koetz, DG Environment

75 min¹pin over

Roundtable discussion on European role in IPBES and other processes


Claire Brown (UNEP-WCMC)

Thomas Koetz (DG Environment)

Olaf Banki (GBIF)

Rob Jongman (GEOBON)


Coffee break




Session 8: Summary, outlook and closing

60 min¹

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Summary and next steps for BiodiversityKnowledge

KNEU project team

12:45che Webstreamingdge witter or by sending an email to wledge!

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End of conference