2009, Sept. 16-20: Carbonate Mounds in Shallow and Deep Time, Oviedo, Spain


A MiCROSYSTEMS - COCARDE - CHECREEF Workshop and Field Seminar



Carbonate Mounds in Shallow and Deep Time


Oviedo, Spain, 16-20 September 2009


COCARDE (Cold Water Carbonate Reservoir Systems in Deep Environment) is an international network that endeavours to build bridges between

1) the academic community which boosted the study of subrecent carbonate mounds in midslope environments in the present ocean, in particular through a decade of European research programmes,
2) the academic community which for decades has investigated the world of fossil mounds, spanning the whole Phanerozoic times,
3) the industrial community which is confronted with fossil mound reservoirs and, in recent times, increasingly faces deep water reservoir systems of mixed carbonate and siliciclastic nature,
4) youth, which through the fascination of the ocean processes at the interface between Life and Earth Sciences, moves into stimulating multidisciplinary studies and – by the same token – gets a perspective of exciting careers in Science and Industry.
    A basic rationale of COCARDE is the confrontation of subrecent mounds – which show up as true natural labs and windows on both mound players and environmental controls through observation and experimentation – with more ancient mound systems.
    IODP Expedition 307 on Challenger Mound (2005) was immediately preceded by a workshop (Dublin) and field seminars on Devonian mounds in Belgium (F. Boulvain) and Carboniferous (Waulsortian) mounds north of Dublin (Feltrim Quarry). In 2006, with the support of IOC-UNESCO and the Flanders Government, a field seminar was organized in Erfoud, Morocco, to assess the Ordovician mounds and the Devonian Kess-Kess mounds.
    The present field seminar focuses on mounds from the Carboniferous platform of Asturias and Cantabria, maybe already more visited by industrial researchers than by academic ones. The Asturias-Cantabria platform system is famous for microbial carbonates: the right place for the MiCROSYSTEMS teams, studying microbial diversity and functionality in cold water coral ecosystems, associated with carbonate mounds.
    The field seminar is preceded by a compact workshop, meant to convey highlights of ongoing research from one community to the other, to set the scene of the field seminars and to trigger and fuel the field discussions.


    A report of the Oviedo Workshop and Field Seminar is available here (Report, Appendix 1, Oviedo Declaration).


    Meeting participants

    1. Juan Bahamonde Convenor   
    University of Oviedo, Spain
    2. Valentina Blinova MSU Moscow, Russia
    3. Anne-Christine da Silva University of Liège
    4. Anneleen Foubert K.U. Leuven, Belgium
    5. Giordana Gennari University of Fribourg, Switzerland
    6. Giancarlo Ghilardi Univesity of Geneva, Switzerland
    7. Mohamed El Amine Hazim  
    University of Rabat
    8. Jean-Pierre Henriet Convenor
    RCMG, Gent University
    9. Philippe Lapointe Total, Exxon Mobil, NCOC Houston
    10. Stephanie Larmagnat University of Laval, Canada
    11. Oscar A. Merino-Tomé Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, León, Spain
    12. Hans Pirlet RCMG, Gent University, Belgium
    13. Andres Rüggeberg RCMG, Gent University, Belgium
    14. Elias Samankassou Convenor University of Geneva, Switzerland
    15. Silvia Spezzaferri University of Fribourg, Switzerland
    16. Alexei Suzyumov UNESCO, Paris, France
    17. Elisa Villa University of Oviedo, Spain
    18. Thomas Wöhrl Potsdam, Germany
    Yu Zhang LabMET Ghent, Belgium