The three-year period of the ENCORA project was due 1 February 2009. Its services will partially be integrated through the Venice Platform Declaration. For the time being, no YPEPs will be granted.

The Young Professional Exchange Program (YPEP)



ENCORA is the European platform for sharing knowledge and experience among the coastal and marine communities of science, policy and practice. One of the services provided by ENCORA is the Young Professional Exchange Program. This service has been designed especially for young professionals (people who are at the start of their career) working in the field of coastal zone management (researches, practitioners and policymakers) who are at the start of their career .

The program offers young professionals with a background in coastal science, policy or practice to apply for financial support to participate in international events related to coastal issues (conferences, summer schools, symposia etc.). Funding covers travel & accommodation expenses (50% - 100%) with a top ceiling of 750 Euros . For travel and accommodation expenses apply to the NCO office in your country .

In addition, young professionals are encouraged to apply for individual visits at an institution in one of the European countries participating in ENCORA. Long-term visits are subject to a top ceiling of 2000 Euros .

Any international event, appropriate for the goals of YPEP grants, are allowed for all YPs of any country to participate.

The benefits for young professionals are manifold:

  • Develop their personal international network with colleagues across Europe
  • Broaden their field of expertise
  • Experience new research and technological approaches
  • Familiarize with international networking and cooperation


Browse to the bottom of the page to see a list of the upcoming ENCORA YPEP events open for financial support!

Click here to access EUCC's data base on coastal-related events (not complete).

Click here to search for coastal institutions across Europe participating in ENCORA



Type of events

The YPEP program is categorised into four different types of events. For travel and accommodation expenses apply to the NCO office in your country .

•  Meet and Greet Days

The "Meet and Greet Days" is an event of a few days organised by an ENCORA member institute. This event will provide you with an overview of what the most important studies and projects are in the hosting country. As you learn about their national issues, you can 'Meet and Greet' the people involved. In this way you learn about what is done in other European countries and broaden your personal network. The topics dealt with at a Meet and Greet days event may include science, practice and/or policy.

Young professionals who want to participate in this type of event may request funding at the NCO in their country. The reimbursement has a top limit of 750 Euros

•  Summer School

The Summer School is an event of a few days or weeks organised by an ENCORA member institute. During this event a coastal related topic or a case of international interest will be studied. The event will provide you with in-depth information on a specific topic or case to broaden your field of expertise and to experience new approaches for addressing coastal issues. The topics dealt with at a Summer School may be on science, practice or policy.

Young professionals who want to participate in this type of event may request funding at the NCO in their country. The reimbursement has a top limit of 750 Euros

• Personal Exchange Program

The Personal Exchange Program provides you with the opportunity to work in a foreign country and to experience international networking and cooperation. ENCORA member institutes provide hosting opportunities for young professionals for a period that can vary from 1 week to a few months. Hosting opportunities may be at scientific and policy institutions or organisations directly involved in coastal management activities. Young professionals are encouraged to contact the institute of their choice beforehand. The final settlement of all the necessary arrangements for implementing their visit should only be made after the approval of the grant.

Young professionals who want to arrange for a personal exchange may request funding at the NCO in their country for these visits. The reimbursement has a top limit of 750 Euros for a visit less than two weeks and 2000 Euros for a visit more than two weeks

• ENCORA Theme Meetings

This program offers you the opportunity to participate in meetings organised by the thematic networks of ENCORA. These meetings are events of a few days where the state of the art of the ENCORA Themes is discussed. At these meetings you can meet the Theme experts to broaden your personal network and field of expertise and contribute to the state of the art reports or the COASTAL WIKI .

Young professionals who want to participate in this type of event may request funding either at the NCO in their country, or at the TCO of the intended theme network. The reimbursement has a top limit of 750 Euros.


Travel Grant Procedure

ENCORA has developed a standard procedure for the YPEP participants for applying financial support (travel grant) for participation in the above-mentioned type of events. The procedure to obtain a travel grant consists of two steps:

•  Part A Travel Grant Application

To apply for a Travel Grant fill Part A of the Travel Grant Application Form and submit it to the Coordination Office of your country via e-mail. It includes your personal details as well as the information about the event which you request an YPEP travel grant.  Your application (PART A) shall be submitted at least one month before the activity or within the deadlines set by the NCO in your country. Please consult the Travel Grant Guidelines for more information or contact the NCO of your country for more details. Young professionals (researchers and practitioners) from countries where a national network is not yet established can submit their application to the central ENCORA Coordination Office.

After receiving your application, the NCO of your country will evaluate your request and will reply to you within a few days. The evaluation is based on the following criteria (not exclusive):

  • Travel grants will be allowed for trans-national visits and only for meetings to be held in Europe
  • The visit meets the objectives of ENCORA. The National Coordinator or Thematic Coordinator decides on the relevance of the activity for ENCORA. Travel grants can only be granted by the official National or Thematic Coordinators, or by the central ENCORA Office Coordinator (for countries without NCO)
  • Funding for travel can only be provided to citizens that are eligible for financial support from EU member states, accession states, associated states or participating NCO countries.

In case your application cannot be approved, you will receive a notification and explanation letter.

If your application is approved you will receive a Letter Award Travel Grant by your coordination office. The letter will inform you about the maximum amount of your grant and will provide you with additional details of the reimbursement procedure. If you have not received an authorization to claim travel expenses from the Thematic or National coordinator you will not be able to claim any expenses.

If a travel grant was awarded to you, and you subsequently cannot travel you are requested to inform the Coordination Office that had approved the grant as soon as possible so that the award can be given to somebody else.

•  Part B: Justification and Reimbursement

P art B of the Travel Grant Procure shall be submitted to the Coordination Office that had approved the grant within one month after the trip or within the deadlines set by the Coordination Office. Original travel documents are requested for accountancy control. The Coordination Office will inform you about the documents you will have to submit. Costs will only be reimbursed after completion of the travel grant form and approval by the coordinator. Please, be aware that only the approved amount for your travel expenses can be reimbursed, even if  your actual expenses are higher. Please consult the Travel Grant Guidelines for more information or contact the Coordination Office for more details



The following events are scheduled by the National Networks of the ENCORA platform. Interested YPEP participants may submit the form A to the NCO of their country to request a travel grant about the event they are interested to participate.




 Event  Date Organised
 Location Registration

NCK days 2008

Meet & Greet Days
 27-28/03/2008  ENCORANL  The Netherlands


Deadline: 08/03/2008 

 Click here  Review

Water management issues in coastal areas

Spring school 

31/3-4/04 2008
Marennes Oleron, France






 (ICoNet)/(NICMF) conference

“Planning Challenges and Opportunities for Ireland’s Coast”



City Hotel, Derry 


 Closed  Review
 Second CoastLab Course  9-11 April 2008  PoCoast  Porto, Portugal



Deadline 14/03/2008 

More info here  Review
 1st PoCoast Seminar on Coastal Research 26-28 May 2008 PoCoast Porto, Portugal Closed

more info



 2nd BENCORE Conference

Geographic Information Systems in Coastal and Marine Research and Management 

 30 May 2008  BENCORE  Belgium


Deadline 16/05/2008

 click here Review  
Short Course and
Workshop on
 2-4 June 2008  RIC  Lecce, Italy


Deadline: 30/03/2008 

 Announcement  Review


"ICZM in a climate change perspective - Important issues for the Baltic Sea"

2-5 June 2008





 Lubiatowo, Poland  Closed



Tentative Program  

YPEP options for young professionals from D, DK, PL, S 


Seminar on the Black Sea & the Sea of Azon Coastal Zone   16-19 June 2008  UkrNCoRe  Sevastopol, Ukraine  closed

 Registration form

For Russian speaking Young Scientists



Coastal Zone Dynamics of Tideless Seas 

International Conference 

30 June - 4 July 2008   Coruna  Baltiysk, Russia








click here





 Seminar on

Marine Invasive Species

1-3 September 2008  DANCORE Denmark  







Tentative program 




Ecological security and natural resources af the black sea and the sea of Azov coastal zones


 15-19 September 2008  UkrNCORA



 closed    Review

"Carrying capacity and development in the Wadden Sea"

29-31 October 2008 DANCORE



Ameland Island



 preliminary programme  Review
 Littoral 2008  25-28 November 2008  ENCORA  Venezia, Italy  closed  website click here
 Trilateral Workshop on Mapping of Subtidal Habitats in the Wadden Sea  16 December 2008  GCN






contact for details


 click here
Flood Defences and Coastal Structures Seminar  30 January 2009  ICoNet  Cork, Ireland  closed  Announcement  



Organised by
Registration Status
More information
Short course on Shore Protection Strategies
17-21 September 2007
Marina di Massa , Italy
Final Announcement
Seminar on Coastal Zone Management
11-13 September 2007


Skallingen, Denmark


Final Registration
CoastLab Teaching Autumn School
26-29 November 2007
Porto, Portugal


More Info
29 - 31 October 2007


More Info
New Ideas and Approaches on Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning,
Expert’s Theme Meeting
5 - 6 November 2007
ENCORA Theme 3


Great maritime and fluvial developments
Meet & Greet days
3-5 December 2007
Paris, France
Second announcement
ENCORA conference on European Action Plans
5-7 December 2007
Paris, France
More Info