Endocrine Disruption in the Scheldt estuary:
distribution, exposure and effects
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ED North Database
Physicochemical properties
Chemical name NLSimazine
Chemical name ENSimazine
CAS no122-34-9
Chemical formulaC7H12ClN5
Molecular weight201,7
Boiling point-
Melting point225-227°C
Density1,302 at 20°C
Vapour pressure8,1E-7 Pa at 20°C
Solubility5 mg/l at 20°C
Endocrien effect studies
Organism group Effect 
mammaliansuspected no endocrine effect
No induction of ER-mediated responses
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mammaliansuspected no endocrine effect
No induction of ER-mediated responses
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mammaliansuspected endocrine effect
Prolongation of estrous cycle: increase of days in estrus, decrease of days in diestrus
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mammaliansuspected endocrine effect
Cornification of vaginal epithelium
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mammalianEffect on anti-estrogen
Decrease in circulating estradiol levels
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mammaliansuspected endocrine effect
Decrease of days in estrus, increase of days in diestrus
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mammalianEffect on anti-estrogen
Decrease in circulating estradiol levels
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mammaliansuspected endocrine effect
Increased incidence in breastcancer
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mammalianEffect on catecholamine
Dose-dependent inhibition of TH-mediated dopamine synthesis
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mammalianEffect on catecholamine
100-200 µM: dose-dependent inhibition of DbH-mediated norepinephrine synthesis
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yeastsuspected no endocrine effect
No ER-mediated growth
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Data compiled by the Research Group Environmental Toxicology, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, Belgium.
For queries about the data, please contact Colin Janssen or Tim Verslycke .
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