Economy and regeneration in fishing communities

Inshore fishing is important for local economies and the livelihoods of fishermen. Through GIFS we have assessed the direct, indirect and induced economic benefits of marine fishing and we have estimated the non-market values of inshore fishing. Two contrasting case studies have been included: Hastings in South-East England and Arnemuiden in the Netherlands.

1. Direct, Indirect and Induced Benefits of Marine Fishing

The main objective has been to analyse the role of fishing in maritime areas by evaluating direct employment and wealth generation associated with commercial fishing in each region in order to provide an overview of the fishing economy along the English Channel and southern North Sea. This activity is led by the University of Brest. More information is available in the toolkit and the interactive map.

Fishing firms provide employment and wealth for fishermen. However, fishing activities require goods and services from other industries such as fishing equipment, marine insurance and storage facilities to be able to operate. Consequently, the fishing sector generates employment and wealth for other industries which can therefore be identified as indirect benefits of marine fishing. This action, aimed at understanding the economic relationships, was led by the University of Brest.

Many coastal communities depend on the fishing sector for theirs jobs and wealth. Employment linked to sectors such as retail and hospitality (mostly in the service industries) is as well induced by the presence of fishing in the area. By evaluating the induced benefits, the economic and global impact of the fishing activity on employment and wealth can be estimated.


2. Analysis of Regional and Local Budgets spent on fishing and marine heritage

Estimating positive externalities generated by the fishing industry

This action, led by the University of Brest, highlighted the economic benefits resulting from tourists attracted by the “marine fishing dimension”. It explored the actual tourist behavior by conducting surveys in order to understand to what extent the presence of fishing activity influences their choice of destination.


3. Non-market values of inshore fishing

The inshore fishing activity generates value outside the fishing sector. In a cost-benefit analysis, indirect benefits and non-market benefits have to be added to direct benefits and compared to the total costs of a project. If the total benefits are higher than the total costs, the project is relevant, providing a potential argument to maintain those activities. This action, led by Agrocampus Ouest, measured the attractiveness of fishing places by creating surveys asking individuals about their hypothetical choices. The results are available in the interactive map, the methodology of this approach is explained in the toolkit.


4. Case studies

  • The Hastings(UK) case study was led by the University of Brighton, see Case studies: Hastings for more information. Results of this case study can also be found in the interactive map and toolkit.
  • The Arnemuiden (NL) case study was led by the Municipality of Middelburg, see Case studies: Arnemuiden for more information. Results of this case study can also be found in the interactive map and toolkit.

On the 4th of June 2014 the Fishing and tourism: build a dynamic seminar was organised by AGROCAMPUS. This seminar was based on the research results of this ‘Economy and regeneration in fishing communities’ activity.