Sensing Fishing Places Survey is launched



The University of Greenwich (School of Science) is conducting a major new survey as part of the GIFS project, called Sensing Fishing Places, to find out how marine fishing influences the way people feel about where they live in the coastal regions of the English Channel and southern North Sea. The aim is to create a snapshot of fishing places at the start of the 21st century. It is anticipated that by comparing people’s experiences of marine fishing across the different countries it will be possible to: first, build a better understanding of the importance of marine fishing to communities; second, identify and share opportunities and experiences amongst those who live in fishing places; and third, contribute to building a sustainable future for fishing places.

The survey launched on 1st March 2013 and runs as follows:

England (Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex, Hampshire, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall)

Open until 7th June 2013

Belgium (Flanders)

Open until 30th June 2013  

France (Nord pas de Calais, Picardie, Normandy, Brittany)

Open until 19th July 2013

Netherlands (Zeeland, South Holland)

Open until 19th July 2013

Or, for a paper copy of the survey, please contact Dr Julie Urquhart on or Dr Tim Acott or telephone 0208 331 8227/9751 and one will be sent or emailed to you.

Join others in shaping the voice of what marine fishing means for our coastal communities today!

We are also running a community photograph project – see community photo pages


Annual event 2 Seas programme, 14 - 15 March 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

The INTERREG IV A 2 Seas Programme invites you to its annual event in Rotterdam on 14 and 15 March 2013. A new opportunity to (re)discover this crossborder Programme, its concrete achievements in the 4 countries involved (France-England-Flanders-Netherlands). For more information, click here for EN, FR, NL.

Small-scale fishermen join Greenpeace EU protest

Small-scale fishermen join Greenpeace EU protest

Small-scale fishermen have joined Greenpeace in protests outside the EU council building in Brussels this week, as the EU negotiates over fishing quotas to be set for 2013. Read more.

Outcomes of FARNET seminar: Positioning FLAGs for the Future: Fisheries Communities at the Heart of Local Development

Outcomes of FARNET seminar: Positioning FLAGs for the Future: Fisheries Communities at the Heart of Local Development

Organised at the initiative of DG Mare of the European Commission and with the support of the French Directorate for Sea Fisheries and Aquaculture, this seminar (held in Quiberon, France from 13 - 15th November 2012) attracted aproximately 150 Axis 4 stakeholders from around Europe and, in particular, board members of the Fisheries Local Action Groups. See the conference video, the conference report, the conference page along with the PowerPoint presentations and the video conclusions.

GIFS Public Meeting, 29 January 2013, Rennes, France

GIFS Public Meeting, 29 January 2013, Rennes, France

On 29th January 2013 at AGROCAMPUS OUEST, Rennes, France a public meeting and workshop will be hosted by the GIFS project partners, entitled: "Sustainable development of Inshore Fishing in Europe: the way forward". The objective of this event is to present the GIFS project and the work of each partner, and to discuss the major themes of the project during workshops. This meeting provides an opportunity for exchange between the different actors in the fisheries sector and beyond: professional, administrative, policy makers, local planners and scientists.

For more information click here: EnglishFrançaisNederlands.

Registration with Angelini Alizee :

First issue of GIFS newsletter is out!

First issue of GIFS newsletter is out!

The first issue of the GIFS newsletter is out. This newsletter aims at informing about the progress of the project. Click here for EN, NL, FR.

People and the Sea VII - Maritime Futures, 26-28th of June 2013, Amsterdam

People and the Sea VII - Maritime Futures, 26-28th of June 2013, Amsterdam

"Maritime Futures", the central theme of the 7th MARE People and the Sea conference to be held in Amsterdam (26-28th of June 2013), addresses the opportunities and constraints for the development of maritime governance, knowledge production, maritime communities and maritime regions. The aim of the 7th MARE conference is to explore new frontiers at sea and in coastal areas. Click here for the detailed call of papers.

Sustainable Aquatic Food Supply: A European workshop generating interdisciplinary Research Projects, Berlin, 11 - 12 March 2013

Sustainable Aquatic Food Supply: A European workshop generating interdisciplinary Research Projects, Berlin, 11 - 12 March 2013

“Sustainable Aquatic Food Supply - A European Workshop Generating Interdisciplinary Research Projects” will be organized as a two-day meeting by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities on March 11th and 12th 2013 under the governance of a multi-disciplinary steering committee and Professor Klaus Lucas Vice President of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Further information: click here. Please send your submission electronically as collection of PDFs to .

Study about the perception of fisheries in France

Study about the perception of fisheries in France

The "Comité National des Pêches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins" (CNPMEM) commissioned the Ipsos to conduct the first phase of the French Fisheries Observatory which covers the perception of the profession and the fishermen. The Observatory will be conducted two times per year. For further reading, click here (in French).

4th Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Event (GAF4), 30 April - 4 May 2013, Yeonsu, Korea

4th Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Event (GAF4), 30 April - 4 May 2013, Yeonsu, Korea

The Asian Fisheries Society’s 4th Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries event (GAF4) will be held as a Special Session of the 10th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (10AFAF) in Yeonsu, Korea from 30 April to 4 May 2013. Your contributions and participation are most welcome!
