People, Place and Fish

Exploring the cultural meanings of inshore fishing through photography

People, Place and Fish is a creative photo project by the University of Greenwich aimed at revealing the cultural values of inshore fishing.

A travelling exhibition visited a number of coastal towns in Engand, France and Belgium. The exhibition used images to visualise the diverse cultural values that arise as a result of fishing activity, along with photographs taken by local residents. Click on Travelling Exhibition to view this gallery.

In addition, Landscapes of Fishing is a collection of images by photo-journalist Vince Bevan. A selection of these images was exhibited at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall (UK), the Oostende Library (Belgium) and De Drvkkery (Netherlands) in 2014. Click on Landscapes of Fishing to view this gallery.

The People, Place and Fish photo project was part of the GIFS (Geography of Inshore Fishing and Sustainability) project, co-funded by the INTERREG 4a 2 Seas programme.