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Phytoplankton bloom
MODIS ocean colour image
Foam on the beach: A natural phenomenon?
Monitoring the earth oceans from space


Lead partner for A4 : NAUSICAÁ                                                                       


Main aims of A4 activity : creation and dissemination of communication and education tools and events to

  1. share and disseminate information on actors and data collections related to coastal water quality of the English Channel and the Southern North Sea.
  2. inform following audiences on coastal water quality and eutrophication: researchers, professionals and stakeholders, information multipliers, public at large.
  3. inform these audiences of the project and its European support.
  4. ensure a basis for follow-up and future use of the WIS.

Targeted Publics :

  • Actors representing Research Institutions, Environmental Public Institutions, and SME concerned by the field of coastal water quality measurement.
  • Representatives of institutes/agencies specialised in water quality control or taking an interest in learning remote sensing technique and modelling.
  • Tourism and agriculture sectors for the output of the perception study on eutrophication. Media to know more about and highlight research and possible solutions.
  • General public interested in understanding the causes and possible solutions of eutrophication of the coastal waters along the Channel/North Sea shore.

Expected results :

A cross border remote place of collaboration and information (the web information server) dedicated to coastal waters quality providing:

  • The accessibility to the whole existing information on eutrophication over the Interreg ‘2Seas’ geographical area.
  • The ability to identify demands and needs and the preception of the public at large on eutrophication thanks to the realization of a questionnaire.
  • A web information server (WIS) to be used by project partners and other information multipliers to inform and educate on the issue.
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Part-financed by ERDF through the Interreg IV A 2 Seas Programme “Investing in your Future”
INTERREG IVa 2Seas Project

 “The document reflects the author's views. The INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Programme Authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.”

Website developed and maintained by VLIZ

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