Horizon 2020 Mediterranean report

The H2020 Mediterranean Report is a joint effort of the EEA and UNEP/MAP resulting from the creation of a regular review mechanism of environmental progress in the three H2020 policy priorities. These are municipal waste, urban waste water and industrial pollution. The report also serves as a contribution to the mid-term review of the H2020 initiative.

Read the report: http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/horizon-2020-mediterranean-report

MedPAN - 2014 Call for Small Projects (2)

Dear Sir or Madam,

MedPAN has launched on April 14th a new Call for Small Projects (CSP) to support the actions led in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in the Mediterranean.

The aim of this Call for small projects is to:
- Reinforce the management of the MPAs from an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and sustainable financing perspectives,
- Support sustainable management and development of economic activities, especially tourism and fishing.

This Call for small projects is split into 2 parts:

  • Call for Small Projects – Part A (CSP A): for project/actions implemented by MPA managers or by organizations responsible or involved in the MPA management. The organizations must be MedPAN members or become members of the MedPAN Association before the implementation of the project – or be partners of the MedPAN Association.

          The activities concerned by CSP A are:
           - Management Planning from an ICZM perspective,
           - Innovative financing mechanisms,
           - Sustainable fisheries management,
           - Sustainable tourism management.

  • Call for Small Projects – Part B (CSP B): for actions undertaken by organizations (NGOs, private companies, scientific institutions, and so on…) collaborating with MPA managers who are MedPAN members (or future members of the MedPAN Association) or MedPAN partners.

          The activities concerned by CSP B are:
           - Developing sustainable tourism activities in MPAs,
           - Developing sustainable and alternatives fishing activities in MPAs.

Please download the rules and the grant application form (https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bw8D-TFFFccxTFE5WTN5dm1waXM&usp=sharing). Make sure to select the appropriate folder (CSP A or CSP B).

The call for small projects is open between April 14th and May 30th 2014 at 6 pm. The MPA managers and their partners who wish to participate will need to send a grant application form to the MedPAN Secretariat during this period. The best projects will be selected by June 30th 2014.

You will find all the details regarding participation eligibility, the type of projects that are required and the selection process in the rules document of the Call for Small Project.

To submit a grant request:
1. Read carefully the rules and assess whether your structure and project are eligible.
2. Fill in the grant application form.
3. Send it with all the necessary documents to Marianne Lang, officer in charge of the call for small projects (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by May 30th 2014 at 6 pm.

If your MPA or the MPA concerned by the project is not yet member of MedPAN, please fill-in the form "Member application form 2014" and send it back to us as soon as possible before the 30 May 2014.

Don't hesitate to contact us for any question about this call for small projects.

This call for small projects is made possible through the support of the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM), the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the MAVA Foundation.

The MedPAN team

Review of Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development / Révision de la stratégie méditerranéenne pour le développement durable

On behalf of Maria Luisa Silva Mejias, Executive Secretary and Coordinator, Barcelona Convention - United Nations Environment Programme / Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/PAM)

Dear Focal Points, members of MCSD, MAP partners and stakeholders,

In their 18th Ordinary Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey (December, 2013, COP18), the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention requested UNEP/MAP Secretariat to launch the process of the review of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development(MSSD) with a view to submitting a revised MSSD for consideration and adoption by the Contracting Parties in their 19th Meeting (COP19) that will be held in December 2015 in Greece. The COP18 also requested Plan Bleu to support the Secretariat in the process of revision of the MSSD in terms of provision of monitoring information and reporting on MSSD implementation, including related programmes that have an impact on MSSD outcomes in the whole Mediterranean, and the coordination of consultation and drafting processes, for this revision. The whole process is being supervised by the Steering Committee of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD) and with a view to submit MSSD 2.0 to the 16th Meeting of MCSD for their approval before it is submitted for the consideration by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention.

The purpose of this email is to launch a wide consultation process regarding the assessment of MSSD 1.0 and possible issues and vision for MSSD 2.0. To facilitate your participation, a consultation document that provides background elements, proposals and questions is available at: http://planbleu.org/en/event/virtual-platform-mssd-revision

To take part in the consultation, you are kindly requested to send by e-mail your comments and answers to the questions provided in the document to Atila Uras (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Julien Le Tellier (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 9th May 2014 at the latest. For your ease, a separate document with questions to be addressed is also available at the above mentioned address.

Besides we encourage you to register by filling the dedicated form so as to facilitate your involvement in the next phases of the process of MSSD Review.

We thank you in advance for your valuable contributions.

Best Regards,

Hugues Ravenel
Directeur / Director
Plan Bleu
Centre d’activités régionales / Regional Activity Centre
15 rue Beethoven - Sophia-Antipolis
06560 Valbonne, France
Tel : +33 (0)4 92 38 71 38

Pour le compte de Maria Luisa Silva Mejias, Secrétaire exécutive et Coordinatrice, Convention de Barcelone - Programme des Nations Unies pour l’Environnement / Plan d’action pour la Méditerranée (PNUE/PAM)

Chers points focaux, membres de la CMDD, partenaires du PAM et parties prenantes,

Au cours de leur 18ème réunion ordinaire qui s’est tenue à Istanbul en Turquie (décembre 2013, COP18), les Parties contractantes à la Convention de Barcelone ont demandé au Secrétariat du PNUE/PAM de lancer le processus de révision de la Stratégie méditerranéenne de développement durable (SMDD) en vue de soumettre une version revue de la SMDD pour examen et adoption par les Parties contractantes à l’occasion de leur 19ème réunion (COP19) qui se tiendra en décembre 2015 en Grèce. Il a été demandé au Plan Bleu d’appuyer le Secrétariat dans le processus de révision de la SMDD, en termes de suivi de la mise en œuvre de la SMDD, en tenant compte des programmes connexes ayant une incidence sur cette mise en œuvre dans le bassin méditerranéen. Le Plan Bleu est aussi en charge de la coordination des consultations et de la rédaction des processus pour la révision de la SMDD. L’ensemble du processus est supervisé par le Comité de pilotage de la Commission méditerranéenne du développement durable (CMDD), en vue de présenter la SMDD 2.0 à la 16ème réunion de la CMDD pour approbation avant soumission à l’examen des Parties contractantes à la Convention de Barcelone.

L’objectif de ce courrier électronique est de lancer un vaste processus de consultation portant sur l’évaluation de la SMDD 1.0, ainsi que sur les problématiques et la vision possibles de la SMDD 2.0. Pour faciliter votre participation, un document de consultation fournit des éléments de cadrage, des propositions et des questions clés. Ce document est disponible à : http://planbleu.org/fr/node/1248

Pour participer à la consultation, vous êtes priés d’envoyer par e-mail vos commentaires et réponses aux questions listées dans le document à Atila Uras (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) et Julien Le Tellier (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) d’ici le 9 mai 2014. Pour faciliter les réponses aux questions, ces dernières sont regroupées dans un fichier disponible aussi à l’adresse sus-mentionnée.

Par ailleurs nous vous invitons à laisser vos coordonnées sur un formulaire dédié, afin de faciliter votre participation aux prochaines étapes du processus de révision de la SMDD.

Nous vous remercions par avance pour votre précieuse contribution.

Bien cordialement,

 Hugues Ravenel

Directeur / Director
Plan Bleu
Centre d’activités régionales / Regional Activity Centre
15 rue Beethoven - Sophia-Antipolis
06560 Valbonne, France
Tel : +33 (0)4 92 38 71 38


Newsletter MedPan April 2014


Supporting Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas in a concrete way is at the heart of MedPAN’s mission. To this end, the network has launched on 14 April a new Call for Small Projects that is this year is open to members and partners of MedPAN (2 parts of the Call were created on this occasion). Please consult the list of eligible topics on the web site of the 2014 Call for Small Projects. Applications are open until 30 May 2014.

On the other hand, please note the dates of the next MedPAN network regional experience-sharing workshop that will take place from 25 to 27 November 2014 in Albania and will focus on strengthening monitoring in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas. Registration will begin in June.

This newsletter gathers some of the latest activity published on the MedPAN website. Please keep in mind that we encourage you to contact us should you have information you want to share with the MedPAN network of MPA managers in the Mediterranean.

Kind regards,

The MedPAN Secretariat

↪ Read the full newspaper in French or in English.

Faranda Prize to young researchers - Call for applications open!

Early career researchers in marine science are invited to submit applications for the 2nd edition of the Faranda Prize, a biannual international competition for young researchers organized by CoNISMa in memory of its founder, Francesco Maria Faranda.

Applications are invited from researchers providing outstanding but still unpublished contributions in the field of fundamental and applied interdisciplinary marine research. The winner will be awarded €5,000 at CoNISMA’s 20th anniversary celebration event on 09 October 2014, a side-event of the high-level EurOCEAN 2014 conference, organized as an official Italian EU Presidency Event in Rome. In addition, the top 10 authors will receive a €500 travel grant and free registration to attend EurOCEAN 2014.

The European Marine Board is providing scientific expert support to the 2014 Faranda Prize. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2014. Download the flyer here. Further information including the application procedure can be found on the CoNISMA website.

MedPAN - 2014 Call for Small Projects

Dear Sir or Madam,

MedPAN is launching on April 14th a new Call for Small Projects (CSP) to support the actions led in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in the Mediterranean.

The aim of this Call for small projects is to:
- Reinforce the management of the MPAs from an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and sustainable financing perspectives,
- Support sustainable management and development of economic activities, especially tourism and fishing.

This Call for small projects is split into 2 parts:

  • Call for Small Projects – Part A (CSP A): for project/actions implemented by MPA managers or by organizations responsible or involved in the MPA management. The organizations must be MedPAN members or become members of the MedPAN Association before the implementation of the project – or be partners of the MedPAN Association.

          The activities concerned by CSP A are:
           - Management Planning from an ICZM perspective,
           - Innovative financing mechanisms,
           - Sustainable fisheries management,
           - Sustainable tourism management.

  • Call for Small Projects – Part B (CSP B): for actions undertaken by organizations (NGOs, private companies, scientific institutions, and so on…) collaborating with MPA managers who are MedPAN members (or future members of the MedPAN Association) or MedPAN partners.

          The activities concerned by CSP B are:
           - Developing sustainable tourism activities in MPAs,
           - Developing sustainable and alternatives fishing activities in MPAs.

Please download the rules and the grant application form.
Make sure to select the appropriate folder (CSP A or CSP B).

The call for small projects is open between April 14th and May 30th 2014 at 6 pm. The MPA managers and their partners who wish to participate will need to send a grant application form to the MedPAN Secretariat during this period. The best projects will be selected by June 30th 2014.

You will find all the details regarding participation eligibility, the type of projects that are required and the selection process in the rules document of the Call for Small Project.

To submit a grant request:
1. Read carefully the rules and assess whether your structure and project are eligible.
2. Fill in the grant application form.
3. Send it with all the necessary documents to Marianne Lang, officer in charge of the call for small projects (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by May 30th 2014 at 6 pm.

If your MPA or the MPA concerned by the project is not yet member of MedPAN, please fill-in the form "Member application form 2014" and send it back to us as soon as possible before the 30 May 2014.

Don't hesitate to contact us for any question about this call for small projects.

This call for small projects is made possible through the support of the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM), the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the MAVA Foundation.

The MedPAN team

6th PEGASO newsletter

A new PEGASO newsletter can be read online at http://www.uicnmed.org/newsletter/2014/pegaso_informs6_en.htm or click here for the French version.

Science for MPA Management - Artisanal Fisheries in the Mediterranean

Welcome to the first edition of ‘Science for MPA management’! It is a new service from MedPAN to its members and partners that provides a scientific overview of a specific topic, presenting the most significant scientific works in a language accessible to all.

This first edition focuses on Artisanal Fisheries in the Mediterranean, a key topic for most MPA managers. It takes a look at the global and the Mediterranean context, the need to strengthen the profession in the Mediterranean and the implications for MPA managers. Download Science for MPA Management, Issue 1.

Read the full newsletter online.

From MedPAN's mailing list

Newsletter MedPan January 2014


And a belated happy new year to all of you! 2014 looks out to be important for MedPAN and Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas. The year will be marked by the consolidation of several actions initiated in 2013 as part of the new 2013-2017 MedPAN network strategy.

Worth noting are the ongoing development of the MedPAN website, the launch of a 4th call for Small Project in the second quarter, the set up of exchange visits between MPAs, the organisation of a regional training on climate change and the representation of the network in many important events including the IUCN World Parks Congress and the Convention of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

This newsletter gathers some of the latest activity published on the MedPAN website. Please keep in mind that we encourage you to contact us should you have information you want to share with the MedPAN network of MPA managers in the Mediterranean.

Kind regards,
The MedPAN Secretariat

↪ Read the full newspaper in English or in French.

International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute 2014), 26 August - 11 September 2014

Please find the flyer of the Tenth International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute 2014), 26 August - 11 September 2014, Dalyan-Aegean Coast-Dalyan (Turkey) here.

MEDCOAST Institute is a flagship event organised by our foundation since 1994, probably being the longest running effort for international ICM training. This 17-day long unique workshop offers an opportunity for hands-on training on the latest ICM developments in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere and includes a study tour along the southern Turkish Aegean coast for seven days on traditional Turkish wooden sailing boats (gullets). The maximum number of participants for the final MEDCOAST Institute will be 25. The latest date for application is 30 May 2014.

We are proud to have trained 155 alumni representing 27 countries at the past 9 Institutes, several of them presently being the leaders of national and regional ICM efforts and programs. We wish to increase the number to 180 with the closing event of the series. MEDCOAST Foundation will offer new modules of international training in ICM related subjects starting with 2015.

We request you to kindly share the attached flier with people who could be potential participants.

Cordially yours,
Prof.Dr. Erdal Özhan
President, MEDCOAST Foundation
Director, MEDCOAST Institute 2014

Web: http://www.medcoast.net/


EU logo PEGASO is funded by the European Union within FP7- ENV.2009. Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
Contract no. 244170
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