Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas current events - Number 6, 2014


2014 is ending... Like every year, November was the richest month in exchanges. This newsletter highlights the four most significant events of the month. Looking forward to sharing information on Mediterranean MPAs with you again in 2015, we wish you joyful festive days.

Kind regards,

The MedPAN Secretariat


The full newsletter can be found online, in French and English.


2014 is ending... Like every year, November was the richest month in exchanges. This newsletter highlights the four most significant events of the month. Looking forward to sharing information on Mediterranean MPAs with you again in 2015, we wish you joyful festive days.

Kind regards,

The MedPAN Secretariat

Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas current events - Number 5, 2014


Just ahead of the Sydney World Parks Congress and the MedPAN's experience sharing workshop from 25 to 27 November in Albania, the MedPAN network continues to grow.

Three new organisations have asked to join MedPAN, the associations "Discovery of Nature" from Algeria and "Columbares" in Spain and the Montenegrin NGO "Posidonia Center for Development and Resources". MedPAN's General Assembly will decide on this on 28 november. MedPAN today counts 58 members and 36 partners from 18 Mediterranean countries representing over 90 MPAs.

You will find in this newsletter some of the latest activity published on the MedPAN website. Please do contact us if you have information you want to share with the MedPAN network of MPA managers in the Mediterranean.

Kind regards,

The MedPAN Secretariat

The full newsletter can be found online, in French and English.

Science for MPA Management, Issue 3, October 2014

Mediterranean coastal industries within sustainable marine development

Dear all,

Industrial pollution has a heavy impact on the biodiversity and ecosystems of our oceans and the problem is paramount in the densily populated Mediterranean basin.

This third edition of "Science for MPA management" gives an overview of where we stand in terms of industrial pollution impacts, policies adopted to combat them at a Mediterranean scale and what it means for MPA managers.

Sustainable industrial strategies at trans national, national and local scales need to become a reality quickly. Numerous projects are ongoing to support this shift. MedTrends led by WWF France, is one of them and is looking at evaluating the marine impact of the projected economic growth in the Mediterrranean over the next few years and how blue growth strategies and marine spatial planning can limit adverse effects on the sea. Download Science for MPA Management, Issue 3.

Check our monthly newsletter or the news section of our website for illustrative examples of this hot topic when they make the news. Don’t hesitate to let us know what you think of this third issue! Happy reading...

Kind regards,
The MedPAN Secretariat


Industries côtières en Méditerranée dans le cadre d'un développement marin durable


La pollution industrielle a un fort impact sur la biodiversité et les écosystèmes de nos océans et ce problème est à son paroxysme dans notre très peuplé bassin méditerranéen.

Cette troisième édition de « La science pour la gestion des AMP » présente une synthèse des impacts des pollutions industrielles, des politiques adoptées pour les combattre à l’échelle méditerranéenne et européenne et ce que ça implique pour les gestionnaires d’AMP.

Des stratégies industrielles durables à des niveaux transnationaux,nationaux et locaux doivent devenir des réalités dans les plus brefs délais. De nombreux projets sont en cours pour soutenir cette transformation. MedTrends (piloté par WWF France) par exemple, est un de ces projets chargé d’évaluer les impacts marins de la croissance économique méditerranéenne au cours des prochaines années et de préciser comment des stratégies de croissance bleue et de planification spatiale marine peuvent limiter les effets néfastes sur l’environnement marin. Télécharger le numéro 3 de " La science pour la gestion des AMP ".

Retrouvez dans notre newsletter mensuelle ou dans les actualités de notre site web pour trouvez des examples concrets sur ce sujet d’actualité. N’hésitez pas à nous faire savoir ce que vous pensez de ce troisième numéro! Bonne lecture ...

Le Secrétariat MedPAN


‘Double trouble’: the expansion of the Suez Canal and marine bioinvasions in the Mediterranean Sea

Egypt to build new Suez canal… ‘This giant project will be the creation of a new Suez canal parallel to the current channel’ said Mohab Mamish, the chairman of the Suez Canal Authority, in a televised speech.” (, viewed August 13, 2014).

The letter is available under Open Access at:


Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas current events - Number 4, 2014


Even if you, unlike Lewis Pugh, did not swim for Marine Protected Areas this summer, we hope it went well...

The busy autumn period is now in full swing, with important dates and activities to come. Among the highlights: the eleven small projects that were selected by MedPAN's Board of Directors in the framework of the 2014 Call for Small Projects (we will make them public after the last administrative details are sorted); the 12th COP of the CBD that is 2 weeks away with 2 side events featuring the Mediterranean sea (EBSAs and MPAs); the World Park Congress; and of course MedPAN's experience sharing workshop from 25 to 27 November in Albania. Please remember to register before 20 October. 

You will find in this newsletter some of the latest activity published on the MedPAN website. Please do contact us if you have information you want to share with the MedPAN network of MPA managers in the Mediterranean.

Kind regards,

The MedPAN Secretariat


The full newsletter can be found online, in French and English.

PEGASO IRA Publication

The Integrated Regional Assessments  in support of ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins has been published and is available for download.

For bibliographic purposes, this document should be cited as follows:
Santoro F., Lescrauwaet A.K., Taylor J., Breton F. (eds). Integrated Regional Assessments in support of ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins. Paris, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, 2014. 84 pp. (IOC Technical Series, 111; IOC/2014/TS/111.) (English only)


Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas current events - Number 3, 2014


Many thanks to all the organisations that submitted small projects in answer to the 2014 Call for Small projects. The Secretariat of MedPAN is currently reviewing the 58 projects that were received and the final selection will be announced by mid-July.

You will find in this newsletter some of the latest activity published on the MedPAN website. Please keep in mind that we encourage you to contact us should you have information you want to share with the MedPAN network of MPA managers in the Mediterranean.

Kind regards,

The MedPAN Secretariat

↪ Read the full newspaper in French or in English.


Reminder! Application Deadline for the 10th MEDCOAST Institute

Dear Colleague,

This is a reminder that there are just 10 days to the deadline (30 May 2014) for application to participate at the Tenth International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute 2014), 26 August - 11 September 2014, Dalyan, Southern Aegean Coast (Turkey).

MEDCOAST Institute is a flagship event organised by MEDCOAST since 1994 and it is the longest running programme for international ICM training. This 17-day long unique workshop offers an opportunity for hands-on training on the latest ICM developments in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere and includes a study tour along the southern Turkish Aegean coast for seven days on traditional Turkish wooden sailing boats (gullets). The maximum number of participants to be accepted for this jubilee event is 25.

The flyer of the 10th MEDCOAST Institute and the application form can be downloaded from ""

We request you to kindly share this message with people who could be potential participants.

Cordially yours,

MEDCOAST Institute Secretariat

2nd issue: Science for MPA Management

Dear all,

Welcome to the second edition of ‘Science for MPA management’! This edition  focuses on a central theme for Marine Protected Areas management: surveillance and enforcement of rules and regulations.

As already observed in 2006 during the Sustainable Fisheries Management and Surveillance in Mediterranean MPAs MedPAN workshop (organised by WWF France and the OEC in the framework of the Interreg IIIc project), "surveillance and compliance to regulations are a prerequisite for any management action".

Unanimously reported as a priority topic in recent reports and papers, surveillance and enforcement of rules and regulations was also the focus of the MedPAN Mediterranean sharing experience workshop held in October 2013 in Hyères, France.

This edition of 'Science for MPA management' completes these existing studies and discussions with a review of the scientific litterature published on this topic.

Don’t hesitate to let us know what you think of this second issue! Happy reading...

Download the pdf

Kind regards,
The MedPAN Secretariat

SAVE THE DATES: MedPAN network Sharing-experience workshop - 25-27 Nov 2014, Albania

Dear Madam/Sir,

The MedPAN network forthcoming regional experience-sharing workshop will be held in Albania from 25 to 27 November 2014. 

This year the workshop will address "monitoring for managing Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)". It will bring together MPA managers and scientific organisations that work with the marine environment.

Taking into consideration the diverse situations encountered in terms of monitoring in Mediterranean MPAs, this workshop will aim at supporting managers to better identify and implement monitoring in line with the objectives of their MPA. In a second phase the participants will discuss the idea to ‘promote’ specific protocols to harmonise data collection throughout the system of MPAs.

This workshop is organised by MedPAN and RAC/SPA in partnership with the Ministry of Environment of Albania, APAWA - Association for Protection of Aquatic Wildlife of Albania, and with the support of IUCN Med and the French MPA Agency. The workshop is funded by the MAVA Foundation, the French GEF (FFEM), the RAC/SPA and the French MPA Agency.

Registration will start in June.

We hope to count you among the participants in this workshop!

Kind regards;

The MedPAN Secretariat

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