Concentration of nutrients in coastal waters

Definition : Mean winter surface concentration of nitrate and phosphate in coastal and open waters expressed as micromole per litre (µmol/l) in sampling stations in the coastal zone (less than 20km distance from the coast) and open waters, and the ratio of N/P.
Description : The mean winter surface concentration of nitrate and phosphate is considered to better reflect the problem of eutrofication since biological uptake and turnover is at its lowest in winter. The ratio N/P determines the composition of phytoplankton in coastal waters and is in part responsible for the algal blooms. Measurement descriptions provide more detail.
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Concentration of nutrients in coastal waters
  • Concentration of nitrate in coastal waters
  • Interactive graph availableMap available Data Providers for Concentration of nitrate in coastal waters
  • Concentration of phosphate in coastal waters
  • Interactive graph availableMap available Data Providers for Concentration of phosphate in coastal waters
  • Nitrogen to phosphorus nutrient ratio N:P in coastal waters
  • Interactive graph availableMap available Data Providers for Nitrogen to phosphorus nutrient ratio N:P in coastal waters
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