Value of Economic assets at risk from tidal flooding

  • Definition : Total value of economic assets (property and investments) situated within the area at risk from tidal flooding, in any given year.
  • Calculation : Overlay of data layers: 1) GIS layer or shapes of the coastal flood zone, or the area prone to tidal flooding. If no flood zones have been demarcated officially, then the 5m contours are used to delineate flood zone 2) GIS layer of 'settlements' or major urban concentrations of built-up area (see indicator 2). From overlay of both, the settlements within the zone at risk from tidal flooding are selected 3) total values for available subcategories of assets by urban area or tidal flood zone. In the absence of detailed information on economic assets, the values can be estimated based on value of propoerty data (see indicator 20)
  • Unit : Euro (million)
  • Data Providers for Value of Economic assets at risk from tidal flooding
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