Palaeolandscape southern North Sea

Palaeolandscape and archaeological potential of the southern North Sea The main goal of this project is a reconstruction of the late Quaternary palaeolandscape in the southern North Sea (palaeo-fluvial system, proglacial lake, Holocene drowning) and the relation to possible prehistoric human occupation. In April 2018 a first seismic reconnaissance survey (Belgica 2018/09) was carried out in the larger Brown Bank area which resulted in a unique dataset of unprecedented quality. A follow-up seismic survey with RV Belgica has been requested for spring 2019 (May-June) which a.o. focuses on detailed seismic investigations in certain sub-areas. The main aim of this 2019 Simon Stevin campaign is to take vibrocores on a number of well-chosen locations (also based on the new Belgica data). In view of the high accuracy and resolution of the seismic data dynamic positioning during coring is crucial. During the night additional seismic data (sparker, SES Quattro) will be recorded (possibly also simultaneous with multibeam). The use of innovative core analysis techniques, such as sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA), will be investigated in close collaboration with colleagues in Belgium and the UK (Univ. Bradford, Doggerland project).


Plan code Principal Investigator Duration Shared campaigns