Collected reprints: Abstract 3612

Collected reprints


Calcoen, J.; De Kegel, D. (1980). Electron microscopic observations on the demanian system of female Metoncholaimus denticaudatus Schuurmans Stekhoven and Adam, 1931 (Nematoda). Neth. J. Zool. 30(3): 516-526

Electron microscopic observations on the demanian system of female Metoncholaimus denticaudatus Schuurmans Stekhoven and Adam, 1931 from the Sluice Dock of Ostend lead to following conclusions: 1) there is no ductus uterinus; 2) the system is not a seminal receptacle; 3) it should be interpreted as an elaborate cascade system of glands, the secretion of which serves some important purpose related to reproduction.

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