Collected reprints: Abstract 3289

Collected reprints


Martens, P.M. (1983). Three new species of Minoninae (Turbellaria, Proseriata, Monocelididae) from the North Sea, with remarks on the taxonomy of the subfamily. Zoologica Scripta 12(3): 153-160

Three new species of Minoninae are described and a new genus is proposed for one of them: Minona degadti sp. n., Duplominona septentrionalis sp. n. and Duploperaclistus circocirrus gen. et sp. n. All three species occur in sublittoral sandy habitats in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, butD. circocirrus has also been found at a littoral station. The taxonomy within the subfamily Minoninae is discussed. Seven genera are considered as valid, and they are briefly diagnosed."Peraclistus itaipus" sensu Westblad (1952) (=Duplominona westbladi Karling, 1966) is included in the new genus as Duploperaclistis westbladi (Karling,1966) comb. n.

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