Collected reprints: Abstract 3051

Collected reprints


Coppejans, E. (1990). Dictyota adnata Zanardini (Phaeophyta, Dictyotales) a remarkable mangrove inhabiting species in Kenya. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg./ Bull. Nat. Plantentuin Belg. 60: 371-380

A prostrate Dictyotaceae was collected on the sandy-silty mangrove substratum close to high tide level in Gazi Bay (Kenya). It appears to be the rarely observed Dictyota adnata Zan., characterized by the prostrate growth form, marginal groups of rhizoids, marginal sori of tetraspores, high Cl/Cw and Ml/Mw ratios. According to these observations D. adnata Auct. ("sensu Weber-van Bosse") is another taxon.

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