Collected reprints: Abstract 2605

Collected reprints


Jacobs, P.; De Ceukelaire, M.; Sevens, E.; Verschuren, J. (1993). Philosophy and methodology of the new geological map of the tertiary formations, Northwest Flanders, Belgium. Bulletin van de Belgische Vereniging voor Geologie 102 (1-2): 231-241

The most recent detailed geological map of Belgium (scale 1:40000) dates from the turning of the century. The Belgian Geological Survey and the Directorate of Natural Resources and Energy of the Flemish Ministry of Economic Affairs commissioned a new geological map scale (1:50000) to the Geological Institutes of the Universities of Gent and Leuven, to be drawn on basis of the archives of the Geological Survey, completed with data provided by licenciate and Ph.D. theses, publications, internal reports,… As it was the commissioners' aim the new geological map to have a greater applicability and to be highly user friendly, the option was taken to adopt lithostratigraphical units as the basal mapping units, enabling secondary economical and planning survey derivations, illustrating the map's more thematical character. All data (identifications, coordinates, characteristics, descriptions, interpretations, corrections) are stored in d-base4 tables (PC environment with MS-DOS). Maps of the top Tertiary topography outcropping under the Quaternary cover can be drawn, together with contour maps of the boundary surfaces of all occurring lithostratigraphical units. For the present, the new geological maps of the Brugge (13) and Lokeren (14) sheets are completed at the University of Gent on basis of the intersections of the Tertiary litho unit boundary surfaces with the top Tertiary topography. Lateral facies changes within litho units or problematical lateral extensions will be elucidated by additional drilling. Software data treatment allows cross section construction, derivation of litho unit architecture data (isopach maps,...) and 3D surface models or boundary surfaces. Explanatory text of the Brugge (13) sheet provides information of general interest, Quaternary history, subsoil geology,... next to Litho unit description, map legend, maps, methodology, excursion route, natural resources,... Publication of both map and text of the Brugge sheet is end 1993.

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