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Chemische analyse van oestrogenen, organochloor en organostikstof pesticiden als mogelijke endocriene verstoorders in het Schelde-estuarium [Chemical analysis of estrogens, organochlorine and organonitrogen pesticides as possible endocrine disruptors Scheldt-estuary]
Noppe, H.; De Brabander, H.; De Wasch, K.; Laboratory for Chemical Analysis - Ugent, Belgium; (2006): Chemical analysis of estrogens, organochlorine and organonitrogen pesticides as possible endocrine disruptors Scheldt-estuary.
Vakgroep Veterinaire Volksgezondheid & Voedselveiligheid (UGent-VVV), meer Beschikbaarheid: Vrij beschikbaar na embargo periode
Data are initially restricted, but the access condition relaxes to academic or unrestricted once a specified period of time after an event (such as collection, publication, completion of QC procedures or project cessation) has elapsed Beschrijving
Tussen 2002 en 2006 werden stalen genomen voor water, sediment, zwevende stof en biota langsheen de Westerschelde. Alle matrices werden geanalyseerd op oestrogenen, organochlorine en organostikstof pesticiden m.b.v. SPE, HPLC, GC-MS/MS en LC-MS/MS. meer
Met het oog op het inschatten van de potentiële risico's verbonden aan endocriene verstoorders, dient het voorkomen van deze stoffen te worden gedocumenteerd. Tussen 2002 en 2006 werden stalen genomen voor water, sediment, zwevende stof en biota langsheen de Westerschelde. Alle matrices werden geanalyseerd op oestrogenen, organochlorine en organonitrogeen pesticiden m.b.v. SPE, HPLC, GC-MS/MS en LC-MS/MS. Het doel van dit gedeelte van het ENDIS-RISKS project is het geven van een overzicht van het voorkomen en de concentraties van de geselecteerde endocriene verstoorders in het Schelde estuarium. Staalnames worden verricht met de Belgica R.V. drie maal per jaar. Scope Thema's: Kustonderzoek (bv. stranden, estuaria), Milieu-kwaliteit / vervuiling Kernwoorden: Ecotoxicologie, Fungiciden, Herbiciden, Hormonen, Insekticiden, Oestrogenen, Pesticiden, Steroïden, Waterkwaliteit, ANE, Schelde-estuarium, ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Bath, ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Hansweert, ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Terneuzen, ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Verdronken Land van Saeftinge, ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Vlissingen, België, Zeeschelde, Antwerpen, België, Zeeschelde, Doel, Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758), Neomysis integer (Leach, 1814) Geografische spreiding ANE, Schelde-estuarium [Marine Regions] ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Bath Stations
[Marine Regions] S12 Coördinaten: Long: 4,225; Lat: 51,365 [WGS84] ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Hansweert Stations
[Marine Regions] S07 Coördinaten: Long: 4; Lat: 51,4367 [WGS84] ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Terneuzen Stations
[Marine Regions] S04 Coördinaten: Long: 3,825; Lat: 51,345 [WGS84] ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Verdronken Land van Saeftinge Stations
[Marine Regions] S09 Coördinaten: Long: 4,0783; Lat: 51,37 [WGS84] ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Vlissingen Stations
[Marine Regions] S01 Coördinaten: Long: 3,57; Lat: 51,4167 [WGS84] België, Zeeschelde, Antwerpen Stations
[Marine Regions] S22 Coördinaten: Long: 4,3917; Lat: 51,2188 [WGS84] België, Zeeschelde, Doel Stations
[Marine Regions] S15 Coördinaten: Long: 4,2733; Lat: 51,3133 [WGS84] Spreiding in de tijd
2002 - 2006 Onbekend Parameters
Alpha-Estradiol: SPE GCMS/MS (1) Description protocol for the detection of organonitrogen pesticides (atrazine, simazine, terbutylazine) in water samples: After pH adjustment, the samples are filtered and extracted using SDB solid phase extraction cartridges. The extracts are analysed by GC-MS/MS (EI). The data processing is performed by Xcalibur 1.3. and MSOffice Excel. The identification of the organonitrogen pesticides is based on the relative retention time and a specific mass spectrum. Quantification is performe Alpha-Estradiol: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Alpha-Estradiol: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Alpha-Estradiol: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Atrazine: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Atrazine: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Atrazine: SPE GCMS/MS (1) Description protocol for the detection of organonitrogen pesticides (atrazine, simazine, terbutylazine) in water samples: After pH adjustment, the samples are filtered and extracted using SDB solid phase extraction cartridges. The extracts are analysed by GC-MS/MS (EI). The data processing is performed by Xcalibur 1.3. and MSOffice Excel. The identification of the organonitrogen pesticides is based on the relative retention time and a specific mass spectrum. Quantification is performe Atrazine: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Beta-Estradiol: SPE GCMS/MS (1) Description protocol for the detection of organonitrogen pesticides (atrazine, simazine, terbutylazine) in water samples: After pH adjustment, the samples are filtered and extracted using SDB solid phase extraction cartridges. The extracts are analysed by GC-MS/MS (EI). The data processing is performed by Xcalibur 1.3. and MSOffice Excel. The identification of the organonitrogen pesticides is based on the relative retention time and a specific mass spectrum. Quantification is performe Beta-Estradiol: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Beta-Estradiol: SPE GCMS/MS (1) Description protocol for the detection of organonitrogen pesticides (atrazine, simazine, terbutylazine) in water samples: After pH adjustment, the samples are filtered and extracted using SDB solid phase extraction cartridges. The extracts are analysed by GC-MS/MS (EI). The data processing is performed by Xcalibur 1.3. and MSOffice Excel. The identification of the organonitrogen pesticides is based on the relative retention time and a specific mass spectrum. Quantification is performe Beta-Estradiol: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Estrone: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Estrone: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Estrone: SPE GCMS/MS (1) Description protocol for the detection of organonitrogen pesticides (atrazine, simazine, terbutylazine) in water samples: After pH adjustment, the samples are filtered and extracted using SDB solid phase extraction cartridges. The extracts are analysed by GC-MS/MS (EI). The data processing is performed by Xcalibur 1.3. and MSOffice Excel. The identification of the organonitrogen pesticides is based on the relative retention time and a specific mass spectrum. Quantification is performe Estrone: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Ethinylestradiol: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Ethinylestradiol: SPE GCMS/MS (1) Description protocol for the detection of organonitrogen pesticides (atrazine, simazine, terbutylazine) in water samples: After pH adjustment, the samples are filtered and extracted using SDB solid phase extraction cartridges. The extracts are analysed by GC-MS/MS (EI). The data processing is performed by Xcalibur 1.3. and MSOffice Excel. The identification of the organonitrogen pesticides is based on the relative retention time and a specific mass spectrum. Quantification is performe Ethinylestradiol: SPE GCMS/MS (1) Description protocol for the detection of organonitrogen pesticides (atrazine, simazine, terbutylazine) in water samples: After pH adjustment, the samples are filtered and extracted using SDB solid phase extraction cartridges. The extracts are analysed by GC-MS/MS (EI). The data processing is performed by Xcalibur 1.3. and MSOffice Excel. The identification of the organonitrogen pesticides is based on the relative retention time and a specific mass spectrum. Quantification is performe Ethinylestradiol: GC-EI-MS-MS Description protocol for pesticides and estrogenes in biota, SPM and sediment: Extraction is performed using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). After HPLC fractionation or clean-up using the SPE from water analysis samples are analysed bij GC-EI-MS-MS Bijdrage door
Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Diergeneeskunde; Vakgroep Veterinaire Volksgezondheid & Voedselveiligheid; Laboratorium voor Chemische Analyse (LCA), meer, data creator, data eigenaar
Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid (BELSPO), meer, data eigenaar
Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Diergeneeskunde; Vakgroep Veterinaire Volksgezondheid & Voedselveiligheid (VVV), meer
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Subsidieovereenkomst ID EV/22
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Noppe, H. (2007). Occurrence of hormones in the Scheldt estuary: an analytical challenge!, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) (2007). VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 14, meer
Noppe, H. et al. (2007). Multi-analyte approach for the determination of ng.l-1 amounts of steroid hormones in unidentified aqueous samples. Anal. Chim. Acta 586(1-2): 22-29., meer
Noppe, H. (2006). Analytiek van hormoon verstorende stoffen in milieumatrices = Analytics of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental matrices. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Faculteit Diergeneeskunde: Gent. ISBN 978-90-5864-100-7. 153 pp., meer
Noppe, H. et al. (2006). Development and validation of an analytical method for detection of estrogens in water, in: Noppe, H. Analytiek van hormoon verstorende stoffen in milieumatrices = Analytics of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental matrices. pp. 21-41, meer
Noppe, H. et al. (2005). Development and validation of an analytical method for detection of estrogens in water. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 382(1): 91-98., meer
Noppe, H. et al. (2005). Endocriene verstoringen in het Schelde estuarium (1) = Endocrine disruptors in the Scheldt estuary (1), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) (2005). VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 50, meer
Dataset status: Afgelopen
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Onderzoek
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2004-05-10
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2017-11-17