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Invasive species - New Zealand pigmyweed (Crassula helmsii) occurrences in Flanders, Belgium
Scheers K, Packet J, Denys L, Jambon W, Brosens D (2021): Invasive species - New Zealand pigmyweed (Crassula helmsii) occurrences in Flanders, Belgium. v1.9. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Dataset/Samplingevent.
Scheers, Kevin Beschikbaarheid: Voor zover mogelijk onder de wet, heeft de persoon, die CC0 toegekend heeft aan deze dataset, afstand gedaan van alle auteurs- en aanverwante rechten.
Invasive species - New Zealand pigmyweed (Crassula helmsii) occurrences in Flanders, Belgium is a sampling event dataset published by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). It contains information on 274 sampling events with 162 occurrences of invasive New Zealand pigmyweed starting from 2013. meer
This dataset is a subset of a larger vegetation analysis and focuses only on the Crassula helmsii occurrences. Here the dataset is published as a standardized Darwin Core Archive and includes for each event: a stable eventID, date and location of the observation, and a short description of the sampling protocol (in the event core), supplemented with specific information for each occurrence: a stable occurrenceID, the scientific name and higher classification of the observed species, the number of recorded individuals and a reference to the observer of the record (in the occurrence extension). This dataset was published as open data for the TrIAS project (Tracking Invasive Alien Species, Vanderhoeven et al. 2017), with technical support provided by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Scope Thema's: Biologie > Planten Kernwoorden: Zoet water, Geïntroduceerde soorten, België, Vlaanderen Geografische spreiding België, Vlaanderen [Marine Regions] Spreiding in de tijd
12 Juni 2013 - 26 September 2013 Parameter
Verspreiding Bijdrage door
Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Omgeving; Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), meer, data creator
Dataset status: Gestart
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Data collectie
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2019-07-18
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2021-07-13