Deelinstituten (8) |
Top | Publicaties | Projecten |
- The Coastal Union; Belgium (EUCC-EUCC-BE), meer
- The Coastal Union; Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V. (EUCC-EUCC-DE), meer
- The Coastal Union; France (EUCC-EUCC-FR), meer
- The Coastal Union; International Secretariat (EUCC), meer
- The Coastal Union; Poland (EUCC-EUCC-PL), meer
- The Coastal Union; Spain (EUCC-EUCC-SP), meer
- The Coastal Union; UK (EUCC-EUCC-UK), meer
- The Coastal Union; Vereniging Kust & Zee (EUCC-EUCC-NL), meer
Publicaties (14) |
Top | Instituten | Projecten |
opsplitsen filter
- Isermann, M.; Kiehl, K. (Ed.) (2007). Restoration of coastal ecosystems. Coastline reports, 7. EUCC: Rostock. 67 pp., meer
- Schernewski, G.; Löser, N. (Ed.) (2004). Managing the Baltic Sea. BaltCoast 2004: conference proceedings, Warnemünde, Germany, 26 - 28, April 2004. Coastline reports, 2004(2). EUCC/The Coastal Union: [s.l.]. 280 pp., meer
- van der Bent, G.; van Ommering, G.; van Rossum, R. (2002). Dwars door de duinen: een verkenningstocht van Den Haag naar Noordwijk. EUCC: Leiden. ISBN 90800-31178. 239 pp., meer
- Veloso Gomes, F.; Taveira-Pinto, F.; das Neves, L. (Ed.) (2002). Littoral 2002 - 6th International Symposium Posters: A multi-disciplinary Symposium on Coastal Zone Research, Management and Planning, Porto, 22-26 September 2002: volume 3. EUROCOAST/EUCC: Porto. ISBN 972-8558-09-0. XIV, 480 pp., meer
- Ferreira, M.; Carreau, Ph. (2001). Step by Step Guide to CoastBase: The Virtual European Coastal and Marine Warehouse. Coastinfo International/EUCC/JRC: Den Haag. 1 cd-rom pp., meer
- Heslenfeld, P.; Liévin, J.; Mielchen, V.; Pickaver, A.; Salman, A. (1999). Corridors and ecosystems: project on coastal and marine areas: final report. EUCC: Leiden. 36 pp., meer
- Rabski, K. (Ed.) (1999). Connecting Science and Management in the Coastal Zone: Proceedings of the 7th EUCC International Conference Coastlines '99 in Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 7-12 June 1999. EUCC: Szczecin. 209 pp., meer
- Randazzo, G. (1999). Coastal environment management: Proceedings Coastlines '97 [CD-ROM]. EUCC: Italy. 1 cd-rom pp., meer
- Valentijn, L.; Heslenfeld, P.; Salman, A.; Van Hemert, P. (1998). Coastal Systems of Europe. EUCC/The Coastal Union: Leiden. 1 map pp., meer
- Salman, A.H.P.M.; Langeveld, M.J.; Bonazountas, M. (Ed.) (1996). Coastal Management and Habitat Conservation: Proceedings of the 4th EUCC Congress, Marathon, Greece: Volume 2. EUCC: Leiden. ISBN 90-75502-02-8. VIII, 476 pp., meer
- Salman, A.H.P.M.; Berends, H.; Bonazountas, M. (Ed.) (1995). Coastal Management and Habitat Conservation: Proceedings of the 4th EUCC Congress, Marathon, Greece: Volume 1. EUCC: Leiden. ISBN 90-75502-02-8. VI, 502 pp., meer
- Pauptit, D.; Salman, A.; Tekke, R. (Ed.) (1992). De kust: een Europese uitdaging. EUCC: Leiden. 15 pp., meer
- Coastline reports. EUCC/The Coastal Union: Leiden. ISSN 0928-2734, meer
- Coastline magazine. EUCC: Leiden. ISSN 0928-2734, meer
Projecten (11) |
Top | Instituten | Publicaties |
- CONSCIENCE: Concepts and Science for Coastal Erosion Management, meer
- CoPraNet: Coastal Practice Network, meer
- COREPOINT: Coastal Research Policy Integration, meer
- ENCORA: European platform for coastal research: coordination action, meer
- EUROSION: European Project for Coastal Erosion Management, meer
- IMCORE: Innovative Management for Europe's Changing Coastal Resource, meer
- Organisation of symposium Dunes and Estuaries, meer
- OURCOAST, meer
- SPICOSA: Science and policy integration for coastal System Assessment, meer
- Streamlining activity of the Coastal Wiki, meer
- The quality of coastal towns - Interreg II.c, meer