Endocrine Disruption in the Scheldt estuary:
distribution, exposure and effects
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ED North Database
Study details
OrganismSprague-Dawley rat, male
Age30 days
InVivoIn vivo
Duration60 days
RouteDrinking water
Concentration50 ppm
NotesCalculated daily intake: 4 mg/kg body weight
Described effects
Effect on gonadotropin: Decreased mean serum levels and pulse duration of LH
Effect on gonadotropin: Increased LH pulse frequency
Literature references
Lafuente, A., Marquez, N., Piquero, S., Esquifino, A.I.(1999). Cadmium affects the episodic luteinizing hormone secretion in male rats: possible age-dependent effects.Toxicol. Lett., 104: 27-33
Data compiled by the Research Group Environmental Toxicology, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, Belgium.
For queries about the data, please contact Colin Janssen or Tim Verslycke .
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