Wednesday 12 October 2016
16:00 Registration and coffee
16:30 Welcome and introduction of speakers
Steinar Bergseth (ERA-MBT Coordinator), The Research Council of Norway
16:40 The strategic direction offered by the ERA-MBT roadmap
Vanessa Campo Ruiz, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation at European Commission
16:50 The evolution and content of the ERA-MBT marine biotechnology research and innovation roadmap
Dermot Hurst, Marine Institute, Ireland
17:10 Biotechnology' s usefulness for sustainable utilisation of marine resources
Erlend Moksness, Institute of Marine Research, Norway and member of the European Marine Board
17:20 Realizing the roadmap through collaborations
Rachael Ritchie, Genome British Columbia, Canada
17:30 Industrial relevance of the ERA-MBT roadmap
Nathalie Moll, EuropaBio
17:40 How the ERA-MBT roadmap supports processes and products
Jean-Paul Cadoret, Managing Director, GreenSea Biotechnologies, France
17:50 What the roadmap will mean in the research community
Alan Dobson, University College Cork, Ireland
18:00 Close & Networking cocktail