Fish stocks and fish landings

Definition : Trophic level trends in the North Sea Fisheries, percentage of the commercial fish species harvested within Safe Biological Limits, total values of landed fish of commercially important species, estimations of discards in fisheries.
Description : The total values of landed fish of commercially important species are an indication of the economic importance of fisheries for the fishing ports in the SAIL sub-regions. The trophic level of fisheries and the proportion of assessed stocks that are within safe biological limits are indications of the sustainability of fisheries. Estimations of discards provide an indication of the efficiency and sustainability of a particular fishery. The last three parameters also give an indication of the impact of a given fishery on the marine environment and ecosystem. For a description of all measurements covered by this indicator please refer to the parameters filing cards.
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IndicatorParametersInteractive graphMapTrendData providers
Fish stocks and fish landings
  • Total values of landed fish of commercially important species
  • Data Providers for Total values of landed fish of commercially important species
  • Mean Trophic level of the North Sea Fisheries
  • Interactive graph available Data Providers for Mean Trophic level of the North Sea Fisheries
  • Fish stocks within Safe Biological Limits
  • Interactive graph available Data Providers for Fish stocks within Safe Biological Limits
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