Long term trends in the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf
Introduction Methods Taxonomy Distribution Project info Atlas

Macrobel source details

Worsfold, Tim M. 2009. Progress on the identification of Cirratulidae in British and Irish waters through the NMBAQC Scheme: 1996-2009. Report to the NMBAQC Scheme participants. Unicomarine Report NMBAQCcir09
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). Was available at, but the link may now be dead.
Begins: This document represents a compilation of cirratulid identification documents produced for the NMBAQC Scheme by Unicomarine, with help from Scheme participants and external experts. It comprises three sections: • 1. 1996 Guide. A provisional key and guide produced for a Scheme workshop on the group in 1996, reproduced as presented, • 2. Additional documents, post 1996. Documents and updates produced after the workshop to incorporate issues raised and suggested improvements, • 3. 2006 update. A provisional update to taxonomy, with an identification aid in tabular form produced for a workshop in 2006.
British Islands
2013-05-06 22:56:46Z