Disclaimer By downloading or consulting data from this website, the visitor acknowledges that he/she agrees with the data policy as it is stated here:
- If data are extracted from the IMERS database for secondary analysis resulting in a publication, the IMERS database should be cited. The IMERS database should be cited as follows:
- If any individual datasource of IMERS constitutes a significant proportion of the records used in the secondary analysis (e.g., more than 10% of the data are derived from this source), the individual data source should also be cited. Contact the data authority for information on how to cite the individual datasource.
- If any individual datasource of IMERS constitutes a substantial proportion of the records used in the secondary analysis (i.e. more than 25% of the data are derived from this source, or the data are essential to arrive at the conclusion of the analysis), the manager/custodian of this dataset should be contacted. It may be useful to contact the data source directly in case there are additional data that may strengthen the analysis or there are features of the data that are important to consider but may not have been apparent from the metadata.