NARMS taxon details
original description
Regier, J.C., J.W. Shultz, A. Zwick, A.B. Hussey, B. Ball, R. Wetzer, J.W. Martin & C.W. Cunningham. (2010). Arthropod relationships revealed by phylogenomic analysis of nuclear protein-coding sequences. <em>Nature.</em> 463(7284): 1079-1083., available online at https://doi.org/10.1038/nature08742 [details] Available for editors 
context source (Hexacorallia)
Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details]
context source (PeRMS)
Moscoso, V. (2012). Catálogo de crustáceos decápodos y estomatópodos del Perú. <em>Boletín Instituto del Mar del Perú.</em> 27(1-2): 8-207., available online at https://repositorio.imarpe.gob.pe/handle/20.500.12958/2190 [details]
additional source
Bernot, J.P., C.L. Owen, J.M. Wolfe, K. Meland, J. Olesen & K.A. Crandall. (2023). Major Revisions in Pancrustacean Phylogeny and Evidence of Sensitivity to Taxon Sampling. <em>Molecular Biology And Evolution.</em> 40(8):1-22. Aug 2023., available online at https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msad175 note: Multicrustacea not supported in this study [details] Available for editors 