Collected reprints

Table of Contents - Vol. 5

De Pauw, N. (1973). On the distribution of Eurytemora affinis(Poppe) (Copepoda) in the Western Scheldt estuary. Verh. Intern. Verein. Limnol. 18: 1462-1472 (abstract)

Podamo, J. (1974). Essai de bilan annuel du transfer de l'azote dans le bassin de chasse d'Ostende : 1. Utilisation de l'azote par le phytoplancton et le phytobenthos. [Annual nitrogen transfer budget probe in the Sluice-dock of Ostend : 1. Utilization of nitrogen by phytoplankton and phytobenthos.]. Hydrobiol. Bull. 8(1/2): 46-52 (abstract)

Podamo, J. (1974). Essai de bilan du transfer de l'azote dans le Bassin de Chasse d'Ostende : 2. Le rôle du zooplancton dans le cycle de l'azote. [Annual nitrogen transfer budget probe in the Sluice-dock of Ostend : 2. The role of zooplankton in the nitrogen cycle.]. Hydrobiol. Bull. 8(1/2): 67-75 (abstract)

Podamo, J. (1974). Essai de bilan annuel du transfer de l'azote dans le Bassin de Chasse d'Ostende : 3. Recyclage de l'azote dans les sédiments. [Annual nitrogen transfer budget probe in the Sluice-dock of Ostend : 3. Nitrogen recycling in sediments.]. Hydrobiol. Bull. 8(1/2): 67-75 (abstract)

Bakker, C.; De Pauw, N. (1974). Comparison of brackish water plankton assemblages of identical salinity ranges in an estuarine tidal (Westerschelde) and stagnant (Lake Veere) environment (S.W.-Netherlands) : 1. Phytoplankton. Hydrobiol. Bull. 8: 179-189 (abstract)

Coppejans, E. (1974). A preliminary study of the marine algal communities on the islands of Milos and Sikinos (Cyclades-Greece). Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 107(2): 387-406 (abstract)

Heip, C. (1974). A new index measuring evenness. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 54: 555-557 (abstract)

Heip, C.; Engels, P. (1974). Comparing species diversity and evenness indices. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 54: 559-563 (abstract)

Heip, C.; Smol, N.; Hautekiet, W. (1974). A rapid method of extracting meiobenthic nematodes and copepods from mud and detritus. Mar. Biol. 28: 79-81 (abstract)

Heip, C. (1974). A rapid method to evaluate nematode density. Nematologica 20(2): 266-268

Heip, C. (1974). A note on the life-span of r-strategists. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 42: 117-120 (abstract)

Heip, C. (1974). A comparison between models describing the influence of temperature on the development rate of copepods. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 42: 121-125 (abstract)

Smol, N.; Heip, C. (1974). The culturing of some harpacticoid copepods from brackish water. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 42: 159-169 (abstract)

Mommaerts-Billiet, F.; Mommaerts, J.-P.; Daro, M. H. (1974). Seasonal variation of phytoplankton populations and primary production in the Sluice dock at Ostend (Belgium). Br. phycol. J. 9: 297-305 (abstract)

Hauspie, R.; Polk, P. (1974). Some observations on harpacticoid populations, in relationship to the competitive exclusion principle. Hydrobiologia 45(4): 423-429 (abstract)

Billen, J. (1975). Nitrification in the Scheldt Estuary (Belgium and the Netherlands). Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 3: 79-89 (abstract)

Persoone, G.; Uyttersprot, G. (1975). The influence of inorganic and organic pollutants on the rate of reproduction of a marine hypotrichous ciliate : Euplotes vannus Muller. Rev. Int. Océanogr. Méd. 37/38: 125-151 (abstract)

Heip, C. (1975). Hibernation in the copepod Halicyclops magniceps (Lilljeborg, 1853). Crustaceana 28(3): 311-313 (abstract)

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