Collected reprints: Abstract 3283

Collected reprints


Pissierssens, P.; Bergmans, M.; Polk, Ph. (1985). On the need for independently estimating organic tripton carbon content. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 25: 107-109

A method is described by which the contribution of Non-Living Particulate Organic Matter (NLPOM) to Total Organic Matter can be determined. The dye Trypan Blue stains only dead organic matter. The surface of the stained particles is used as an indirect measure of the NLPOM-carbon content. Applying this method, it is shown that the bivariate linear regression of POM on chlorophyll a may produce serious errors in the calculated NLPOM contribution when carbon which is neither tripton- nor chlorophyll-related is present in appreciable quantities.

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