ELectronic conference on MARine Biodiversity in Europe
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Main issues in marine biodiversity research (8-12 October)
Many exciting scientific questions can be formulated but priorities must be made. The EU BIOMARE concerted action will propose a framework to achieve large-scale, long-term research in Europe. This framework, based on a series of flagship and reference sites and a system of indicators, needs fleshing out. To prepare for future European research it is necessary to define and agree on the priority issues that are either the main scientific questions and/or require European coordination. A first discussion on issues can be found in two documents published by the European Science Foundation that can be downloaded from ESF web site. 8-14 October
Implementation and application of biodiversity research
What does the term 'biodiversity' mean for the different stakeholders in the marine biodiversity issue in Europe, what can information science provide and how does that relate to the format and kind of information the end users need from the researcher providing the knowledge? Part of the discussion must involve the tools that are required for applying biodiversity science in issues such as marine conservation. An introcution to the theme can be found here. 15-19 October
The future of marine biodiversity research
What are the perspectives of marine biodiversity research in Europe? How should this research develop, both scientific and organisational? What is the role of the EU and the ESF in this future? 22-26 October

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General coordination: Carlo Heip and Pim van Avesaath
Web site and conference hosted by VLIZ