A Biological Valuation Map for the Belgian Continental Shelf
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Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)

VLIZ hosts the Flanders Marine Data and Information Centre, which acquires and processes oceanographic data. The Flanders Marine Data and Information Centre gathers various kinds of data, implements international standards and redistributes data nationally and internationally.
  • Personnel involved in project:
Jan Mees
Ward Vanden Berghe
Daphne Cuvelier
  • Contactadres:
Vismijn, Pakhuizen 45-52
B-8400 Ostend
Tel: +32(0)59 342130
Fax: +32(0)59 342131

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Supported by
the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office

General coordination: Magda Vincx, Steven Degraer
Web site and databases hosted by VLIZ
Web contact email