
When and where?

The Littoral 2012 exhibition will take place during the conference, from Tuesday 27 November (09.00) until Wednesday 28 November (19.00). The exhibition will be organised in the exhibition hall of the conference venue: The Casino Kursaal. This area is the central get together place where coffee breaks and lunches will be provided. All the participants are invited to attend. To enter the showcase you will be requested to show your participant’s badge.

Information for exhibitors

It is compulsory for exhibitors to be registered for the conference - the conference badge will give access to the showcase and the conference. Exhibition set up will take place on Monday 26 November from 12.00 until 16.00. Registration will be open for exhibitors from Monday (12.00).

What you get?

  • Space: one booth, 2 x 3 m (including side and back panels, spotlights, one table and two chairs, power supply outlet and a booth identification sign).
  • One free half a page advertising in the meeting program.
  • Promotion of your project, company or organization name at the meeting and on the Littoral 2012 website.
  • Mention of your project, company or organization name in the list of exhibitors in the meeting program.
  • List of pre-registered attendees.


€250 per booth with one paying registration to the conference
Free with two or more paying registrations to the conference


15 October 2012: deadline submission advertisements and products and service description

How to register?

Exhibition hours

Tuesday 27 November: 9.00-18.30

Wednesday 28 November: 9.00-18.30

Afdeling Kust ANB Coastal & Marine IOC IODE FOD Marine Board - ESF Coördinatiepunt Provincie West-Vlaanderen Oostende VLIZ
site created and hosted by VLIZ