Endocrine Disruption in the Scheldt estuary:
distribution, exposure and effects
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The obtained results of the ENDIS-RISKS project will be communicated in various ways. The results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and brought together in a book which will include the developed datasets on CD-rom. This page contains a list of publications made based on this project, a list of other publications related to this project, a list of project meetings, a list of sampling campaigns and a list of laboratory analyses.

** FINAL REPORT of ENDIS-RISKS project: downloaded here

Project related publications, PhD theses, posters and oral presentations

Other relevant publications, posters and oral presentations

Project Meetings


Samples will be taken three times a year for the duration of the project. Each year wil have a winter sampling campaign in november or december, a spring sampling campaign in april and a summer sampling campaign in july or august.

Sampling activities with the R.V. Belgica were carried out on: Further sampling activities with the R.V. Belgica are planned for:

Laboratory analyses

At the moment protocols and methods for analysing water, sediment, biota and suspended matter samples are being developed. General information on the lab work is stored in the metadatabase.

Supported by
the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office

General coordination: Colin Janssen, An Ghekiere
Web site and databases hosted by VLIZ