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Survey on public interest on the quality of coastal waters

The purpose of this survey is to determine the public's perception of water quality and its effects on public use. It also aims at better defining the public's willingness to contribute to improvements.

(Survey as part of the INTERREG IVA 2Seas "ISECA" project - Information System on the Eutrophication of our Coastal Areas)

Foto1 Foto2 greenalgae
Photo credits (from left to right): Nausicaa / Anne Vernier, Adrien Delater, Thesupermat / Wikipedia
I am interested in the marine environment
The Government should do more to improve water quality
I think that the local community has a responsibility for the protection of the marine environment
The water companies should do more to improve (sea) water quality
Before filling in this survey I was unaware of eutrophication in coastal waters
Water quality should be preserved for the benefit of my children and future generations
Agricultural and individual practices should reduce nutrient inputs to rivers and estuaries discharging
Upgrading sewage treatment works is the only way to reduce nutrients
I am ready to check if my sewer is properly connected to the water treatment plant
I am willing to pay more for my vegetables to encourage "sustainable" agriculture
Water quality should be better regarded as it improves the recreational quality of the marine environment (swimming, sailing,...)

It is possible to improve water quality and reduce impacts from eutrophication, but this will require additional measures related to waste water treatment and nutrient reductions from agriculture. These measures will lead to additional costs for farmers, industry and households. All households already pay for the treatment of their waste water, and these additional measures will increase that annual bill with a certain amount, which is specified below.

15 £
30 £

Information you provide in this section will remain strictly CONFIDENTIAL and will not be used for COMMERCIAL purposes

adrinord vito PML greenwich



cemare logo NIOZ2 

Part-financed by ERDF through the Interreg IV A 2 Seas Programme “Investing in your Future”
INTERREG IVa 2Seas Project

 “The document reflects the author's views. The INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Programme Authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.”

Website developed and maintained by VLIZ

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