THESEUS (Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate) is the largest Integrated Project within coastal risk assessment and mitigation funded by the European Commission (6,530,000 €) and consists of 31 partner institutes. The project will develop during the next four years a systematic approach to deliver both a low-risk coast for human use and healthy coastal habitats for evolving coastal zones subjected to multiple factors.

On the project description pages you will find more detailed information. The general coordinator of THESEUS is Barbara Zanuttigh from the University of Bologna. The project started the first of December 2009.



LITTORAL 2012 - Coasts of tomorrow, 27 - 29 November 2012, Oostende, Belgium

Added on: 2012-08-29 10:18:12 by De Pooter, Daphnis
The LITTORAL 2012 conference - The Coasts of tomorrow - will be held in Ostend (Belgium) from Tuesday 27 till Thursday 29 November of 2012. ...

6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering

Added on: 2012-07-10 10:58:28 by De Pooter, Daphnis
The “6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (JOINT 2012)” will be held in Taiwan on September 23-29.

THESEUS present at the exhibition of the 6th World Water Forum

Added on: 2012-03-30 11:56:52 by De Pooter, Daphnis
The 6th World Water Forum (Marseille 12-17 March Marseille) was organized around the theme “Time for Solutions” and concluded with the adoption of the Marseille Ministerial Declaration. ...

The Marine Knowledge Gate has been launched

Added on: 2012-03-12 11:10:43 by De Pooter, Daphnis
The Marine Knowledge Gate 1.0, new free online tool which marks a significant milestone for the MarineTT Project, has been launched! ...

The first THESEUS Coastal Booklet is out

Added on: 2012-02-22 09:21:35 by De Pooter, Daphnis
The first issue of the THESEUS Coastal Booklet is out. By preparing the Coastal Booklets, THESEUS promotes social awareness towards the risks of flooding and the necessity of improving coastal resilience amongst different stakeholders and the general public. ...

Third issue of the THESEUS Newletter is out

Added on: 2012-02-21 16:21:03 by De Pooter, Daphnis
The third issue of the THESEUS E-newsletter is out. This newsletter aims at informing the end users every three months about the progress of the project.

Fifth CoastLab Teaching School

Added on: 2012-02-20 12:36:46 by De Pooter, Daphnis
The Fifth CoastLab Teaching School, will be organized May 21 – 23, 2012 in Porto, Portugal. ...

A heavy storm hits the Bulgarian Black Sea

Added on: 2012-02-15 11:59:06 by De Pooter, Daphnis
Last week, a heavy storm caused many locations along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast to flood, resulting in considerable erosion and damage to coastal infrastructure. ...

50th ECSA Conference: 3-7 June 2012, Venice, Italy. Call for abstracts!

Added on: 2012-01-10 11:14:25 by Goffin, Annelies
The Theseus consortium is able to organise a special THESEUS session with the broad title "Managing coastal habitats in response to climate change" on the 50th ECSA Conference. Please note that the deadline for abstract submission is approaching: January 13th!

Happy new year to all members of the Theseus team !

Added on: 2012-01-10 09:52:48 by Goffin, Annelies
Happy new year to all members of the Theseus team !

Unesco Conference Venice: petition!

Added on: 2011-11-10 16:57:08 by Goffin, Annelies
Would you like to express your grave concerns over the growing political influence over science? ...

Conference "Super storms and how to protect ourselves"

Added on: 2011-09-14 16:00:21 by Goffin, Annelies
The 'Super storms. How to protect ourselves?' conference is about the need for efficient and sustainable flood protection in Belgium. Why is it necessary? What is the danger? How should we protect ourselves? National and international experts explain how the current shortcomings can be remedied to avoid future disasters.Keynote speakers is Ray Nagin ex-mayor of New-Orleans, wuring the storm Katrina. ...

4th international conference on the application of physical modelling to port and coastal protection.

Added on: 2011-09-14 15:45:37 by Goffin, Annelies
On 17-20 September Coastlab 12 conference is organised in Ghent, Belgium. The conference provides a forum to present and discuss about recent research activities and engineering innovations, including the intercomparison of physical and numerical modelling tools. ...

THESEUS-themed session at the 9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium – Plymouth, 2011

Added on: 2011-07-26 11:24:32 by Claus, Simon
There was much interest in the recent THESEUS themed section at the 9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium at the University of Plymouth which featured a range of talks on ‘Artificial structures’. ...

First issue THESEUS Newletter out

Added on: 2011-07-25 12:39:18 by Claus, Simon
The first issue of the THESEUS E-newsletter is out. This newsletter aims at informing the end users every three months about the progress of the project.

World Delta Conference: call for abstracts extended until 31 July 2011

Added on: 2011-07-13 11:03:27 by Goffin, Annelies
The firsts worlds largest open scientific and government conference on World Delta Summit 2011 will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia in 21-24 November 2011 combining science, policy and practice elements. The event will be organized by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) / Delta Alliance Indonesia Wing. ...

Theseus at the 9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium, Plymouth, UK .

Added on: 2011-06-14 09:52:20 by Goffin, Annelies
At the end of June Theseus will sponsor a session on artificial structures (i.e. coastal and flood defences) at the International Temperate Reefs symposium. ...

New in the mediastore: movies on experiments in the frame of the Theseus project.

Added on: 2011-06-06 12:24:29 by Goffin, Annelies
Check the experiments executed by different partners of the Theseus project. The movies demonstrate the multidisciplinary activities within Theseus.

FP7 Environmental research, Brokearge Event - Bruxelles, 17th of June 2011

Added on: 2011-05-09 11:28:10 by Goffin, Annelies
A networking event in the field of ENVIRONMENT will be held on the 17th June 2011 in Brussels, in conjunction with the info-day organized by the European commission. ...

Launch Open THESEUS Archive

Added on: 2011-04-19 11:33:53 by simon
The Open THESEUS Archive (OTA) gives free access to the digital collection of THESEUS acknowledged publications. This archive is managed according to the principles of the Open Access Movement, and the Open Archive Initiative and meets the Special clause 39 of the THESEUS project stating that all final published articles (or final peer-reviewed manuscripts) resulting from FP 7 projects should be deposited into a repository. The OTA will try to include all A1 publications, articles from conference proceedings and poster presentations resulting from the THESEUS project.

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THESEUS is funded by the European Commission within FP7-THEME 6 - Environment, including climate.
Grant 244104
1 December 2009 - 30 November 2013
Website developed and maintained by VLIZ

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