
Encyclopedia of Life Compositae Workshop

The Biodiversity Synthesis Group of the Encyclopedia of Life hosted a workshop (15-17 April 2010) at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (IL), on the Compositae (sunflower family), with 30 participants from 14 countries. Eckhard von Raab-Straube (FUB-BGBM) was invited to discuss PESI's possible data contribution to global initiatives like the Global Compositae Checklist, the Virtual Key to the Compositae, and to species pages of the Encyclopedia of Life. The Compositae family data of Euro+Med Plantbase are already part of the Global Compositae Checklist, further cooperation and updating mechanisms were discussed.



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2nd focal point meeting

2nd PESI Focal Point meeting in Edirne, Turkey

Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey hosted the PESI 2nd Focal Point meeting: “Towards e-Taxonomy Infrastructure Networks across Europe and Neighbouring Countries” from 18 – 21 May 2010, with participation of 30 representatives from 21 European and neighbouring countries.


Other European and global programmes, including LifeWatch, TUBITAK, Flora Europaea and GBIF were represented by invited speakers.


Main discussion items included the joint work plan for the third and last PESI year, the continuity of the Focal Point network beyond the PESI programme and the development of a Flora Fauna Palearctica programme. Building blocks were drafted for the development of a stable organisation model in a GBIF and/or LifeWatch environment.


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Coordination of taxonomy progresses in North Africa

North African taxonomists are strengthening their regional coordination and cooperation networks. PESI was invited to participate in the first conference of the Association Tunisienne de Taxonomie (ATUTAX), as well as the meeting of the North African taxonomic network BioNET-NAFRINET. Both meetings were held in Tunis on April 23 and April 24-25, 2010, respectively.



Sixth European Conference on Research Infrastructure

Because of the PESI involvement in the European research infrastructures developments, Yde de Jong was invited to the Sixth European Conference on Research Infrastructures (ECRI2010) in Barcelona, on 23 and 24 March 2010. The objectives of the conference were to promote discussions on the European strategy for research infrastructures (RIs) and on the decision making process to enable the implementation of the ESFRI roadmap. Management and financial issues, as well as the governance structures of these RIs within the ERA, have been addressed. Also a specific session was organised devoted to e-infrastructure for science dealing with key challenges for the future.


