
Local organizing committee


Kathy Belpaeme

Coordinator at CDK (Coördinatiepunt Duurzaam Kustbeheer)

As head of the Co-ordination Centre for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Kathy Belpaeme deals with a diversity of tasks implementing the European Recommendation on ICZM. The tasks are very diverse, ranging from follow-up of European developments concerning the coast to coordinating coastal policy actions. In 2004, Kathy Belpaeme was responsible for drawing up the Coastal Atlas for the Belgian Coast. In 2005 she was responsible for supervising the establishment of the on-line version.


Hannelore Maelfait – CDKJan Seys – VLIZ
Thomas Vanagt – eCOASTEvy Dewulf – ANB
Kathleen Bernaert – Afdeling KustPeter Pissierssens – IODE
Albert Salman – EUCCNiall McDonough – Marine Board
Geert Raeymaekers – FOD Leefmilieu

Afdeling Kust ANB Coastal & Marine IOC IODE FOD Marine Board - ESF Coördinatiepunt Provincie West-Vlaanderen Oostende VLIZ
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