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Ruditapes philippinarum - Manila clam

Current distribution Ruditapes philippinarum (A. Adams & Reeve, 1850) (865 OBIS-datapoints, 13276 GBIF-datapoints)
The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum is native to the northwestern Pacific Ocean and was intentionally introduced to various locations in Europe during the 1970s and 1980s for aquaculture purposes due to its commercial value. Its presence on Belgian territory was only confirmed in 2014. This bivalve’s adaptability, high fertility, and prolonged planktonic larval stage enable it to rapidly spread and establish in new regions. The extent to which the Manila clam displaces native species through competition for space and food varies by region. In some areas, high concentrations of this clam have led to the development of new forms of fisheries targeting this bivalve.