Ocean Sampling Day (2018)
Map of OSD participant sites since 2014
Status Update: Analysis in progress
ODS Highlights
OSD2018 sample analysis at IMBBC-HCMR
(a) IMBBC MiSeq Illumina Sequencer that will be used for amplicon sequencing of OSD samples; (b) Thekla Anastasiou, Research Technician at IMBBC-HCMR doing bench work. All OSD samples are being processed by the same person for comparable results; (c) Jon Ben Kristoffersen, Researcher and NGS Technology Expert at IMBBC-HCMR. (photo credit: Paraskevi Polymenakou, IMBBC-HCMR)
Ocean Sampling Day scientists shared with us some beautiful moments from the sampling campaigns.
Bigelow Laboratory of Ocean Sciences, USA; Research Marine Centre (CIMAR), Spain; University of Vigo, Spain
Faculty of Sciences of Oujda, Morocco; Tvärminne Zoological Station, Finland
Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, HCMR (OSD2018-2019 coordinators), Crete, Greece; Sampling at stations OSD5, OSD228 and 229 was performed with the R/V Aegaeo of HCMR
Video from the Facility of Sciences of Oujda, Morocco
EMBRC-ERIC supports the continuation of OSD
With this announcement we wish to inform the OSD consortium that following the success and appeal of OSD events, the EMBRC ERIC infrastructure http://www.embrc.eu/ will offer long-term support to the continuation of OSD. Through the ASSEMBLE PLUS project, EMBRC will support the transition of the logistics and operation of OSD. Being a self-sustained European Infrastructure, EMBRC can secure the long-term operation of OSD and its step-by-step expansion to additional ecosystem components and in coordination with the global Genomics Observatories consortium.
We thank Professor Frank Oliver Glöckner and the Micro B3 community for having made OSD a global event, as well as for supporting EMBRC in its engagement in securing the long-term operation of OSD.
Starting this year and targeting June 21st 2018, EMBRC, through the ASSEMBLE Plus project (/projects/assembleplus/) is supporting an open call to participate in Ocean Sampling Day events on June 21.
The Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research in Heraklion, Crete (IMBBC-HCMR), an EMBRC partner, will coordinate the upcoming events of 2018 and 2019 and will be the recipient of samples to be submitted for sequencing. In 2018, samples will be sequenced for 16S and 18S rDNA (meta-barcoding), while in 2019 all samples (including the ones of 2018) will be sequenced for metagenomics. As there has been some discontinuation of OSD, OSD 2018 will be a test drive to prepare a really global OSD 2019 event that will be supported broadly by EMBRC.
If you have already been involved in past OSD events, you are associated with a marine research site, research cruise or a sailor/skipper, and would like to participate in OSD, we would kindly ask you to express your interest by contacting us.
For any questions, information, or assistance, contact the OSD-IMBBC team by sending an email to osd-contact@embrc.eu. The contact persons of IMBBC-HCMR are:
Paraskevi (Voula) N. Polymenakou, Researcher at IMBBC
Melanthia (Melina) Stavroulaki, Researcher at IMBBC
JRA1 Coordinator:
Georgos Kotoulas, Research Director at IMBBC
Sampling Protocols and Metadata
We will follow the detailed Protocols A for prokaryotes and B for eukaryotes as described in the Ocean Sampling Day Handbook 3.1 (released April 2016) of the MicroB3 project.The protocols and log sheets for ODS2018 (adapted from the MicroB3 OSD Handbook 3.1) can be downloaded directly:
Brief OSD 2018 Pipeline
Similar to the past OSD events, all you need to do is:
- Collect your samples following the OSD Sampling Protocol (using Sterivex filters for Prokaryotes or polycarbonate membrane filters for Eurkaryotes)
- Ship your filters to IMBBC-HCMR in Heraklion, Crete in dry ice to the following address:
Melanthia Stavroulaki & Paraskevi Polymenakou
Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
(former USA Base) Gournes Pediados
71500 Heraklion Crete, Greece (Hellas)
Tel: +30-2810-337801, +30-2810-337840, +30-2810-337855 - Provide us with relevant metadata (mandatory ones at a minimum)
- Please make sure that after you receive your signed permits (i.e. ABS, MTA, Data Policy), you send them to the above address. Having these permits is a pre-requisit for the sampling and for transferring material!
Legal Issues
Participants registered for the Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) 2018 need to comply with Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) requirements, as set out in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Nagoya Protocol (NP), and with the requirements laid out in the MTA and Data Policy documents, which cover the necessaries following the international law of the sea. Detailed instructions can be found in OSD2018_Legal_Permits_Procedure.
The required documents to be downloaded are:
- OSD2018_ABS.docx: this is only for participants that are subjected to the ABS requirements detailed in OSD2018_Legal_Permits_Procedure
- OSD2018_MTA.pdf: for everyone to sign
- OSD2018_Data_Policy.pdf: for everyone to sign
The filled in and signed documents must be sent back to us:
- Electronically (print, sign, scan and send back as jpg or pdf) as soon as possible and
- As hard copies (shipped together with your samples to HCMR, Greece), by July 16th
Furthermore, a different Data Policy document should be signed for every single station, i.e. a coordinator for 3 stations should send back 3 filled-in and signed versions of page 3 of the Data Policy document.
The OSD2018 event is a continuation of the successful OSD events of Micro B3 project (https://www.microb3.eu/osd.html).
We are grateful to Professor Frank Oliver Glöckner and the MicroB3 community who have made OSD a global event.
Registration of New Sites
For the registration of new sites, please contact osd-contact@embrc.eu.
OSD on Social Networks
Follow us on Twitter:
https://twitter.com/OSD18_19 https://twitter.com/ASSEMBLE_Plus
Kopf, A. et al. (2015) The ocean sampling day consortium. GigaScience 4:27 (open access)