
FEMS stipends for young researchers

Due to the generosity of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), stipends are available for young scientists (less than 36 years-old) to cover their registration at the 6th European Phycological Congress (EPC6). The candidate has to be a member of a FEMS Member Society (check with your professional society to determine if they belong to FEMS). The definition of “young scientist” is: (i) they are in the last year of their PhD programme (verified with a statement from their advisor); (ii) five years or less since receiving their PhD (PostDoc or academic). There is also the qualification that the recipient has to present an oral paper presentation as first author.

The deadline for submission of a completed application is 15 March 2015. Send your completed application and other documents

BPS Student Bursary

The British Phycological Society offers a BPS Student Bursary to support undergraduate and postgraduate students to attend the Society's Annual Meeting and other phycological and algal-related meetings. Applicants must have been members of the British Phycological Society for at least 3 months before their application. Funding is awarded on the condition that a report is written about the event attended for the BPS newsletter The Phycologist within two months of the meeting. 

Full application guidelines, application form and selection criteria can be found on the BPS website:

Closing dates are 1 February, 1 May, 1 September and 1 December of each year.