Phase II (2012-2015)

COCARDE - International Coordination Action



The Second phase of COCARDE-ICA (2012-2015) allows to focus on the following coordination actions:

Task 1: the forging of a Moroccan and international task force to design the heritage route, raise political and industrial support to develop a local infrastructure and documentation (field actions, publications), build links and bridges to already available documentation poles in Europe (Granada – EU regional funds) and assist the Moroccan partners in drafting the UNESCO application.

Task 2: COCARDE explores opportunities to extend, in coherence with the spirit of IOC-UNESCO, collaborations to (1) the US (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign), (2) Canada (Memorial University, Newfoundland; Laval University, Québec), and (3) other African states, such as South Africa, Namibia or Ethiopia.
Task 3: COCARDE-ICA II secures the continuation of membership to the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) to maintain Flanders in IODP, for securing the exploitation of IODP Exp. 339 in the Gulf of Cadiz and supporting new Flanders-led proposals (IODP Exp. 307 was a fully Flanders-led initiative, with outstanding publication record); active participation to the ECORD Council and the science advisory structure ESSAC is inherent to the play.
ask 4: organization of capacity building exercises, such as a workshop/field seminar at a port call (Lisbon) of the R/V Marion-Dufresne EuroFleets cruise "Gateway", 2013, and a capacity building support (to be determined) in the margin of the MeBo drilling cruise on board of R/V Merian, programmed 2014. Contributions to the COCARDE session at the IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists) meeting in Geneva, August 2014, and at the meeting "Deep-water circulation processes & products" in Gent, September 2014.